chapter 39 surprise

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Third person pro.

After Yixuan explain them what they have to do yibo listen carfully ,His full focus on Yixuan that's why he doesn't observe the next person who is looking at him from long time.

As they instructed all the modeling persons change their attire and gave poses in front of camera as camera man told them as their photoshoot is over they all went back from there yibo was the last person who came out from that room the Darren wang came in front of him.

Hi, my self Darren wang marketing manager.. He introduced himself. Forward his hand for handshake.

Hello sir, I'm wang yibo and i know you I mean 2 hours back Yixuan sir introduced you...yibo replied.

Yeah...... I know but yibo please don't call me sir you can call me Darren ge ge.... Darren said.

Yibo became little bit surprised but still he nodes his head while smiling as agreement.

Are you professional model yibo... He asked.

No...... it's my first time be professional model but actually I used to participate modeling contest at my college days .

Oh..... That's good you look like a professional model you did very great job yibo hope you selected for this showcase .. 'Darren said

Thank you sir.... Yibo replied

Ha... Ha... No..... Sir, call me ga ga.... Darren said.

Okay ga ga thank you.... Looking at his wrist watch I have to go now bye gaga saying he went from there.

Darren wang just stand there smiling looking at the desapiaring figure...

Really beautiful....... He murdered.

After that Yixuan selected two members and he send there picture with details through email to zhan but zhan was busy in other work he didn't check the email.

At evening behalf of zhan xuan checked his emails then he saw the mail that sent by Yixuan then he became surprised by watching yibo photos...

Why yibo was here did he wants to showcase as a model he thought then he did the call to yibo.

Other side yibo who is busy in playing video games with siyan ( siyan is Mrs. Han grandson he is eight years old)

Then he heard the phone ringing sound he stopped playing then turned other side pick the phone call.

Hello xuan ge.... Yibo

Hello yibo where are you now.. Xuan asked

In home why ge.. Yibo asked

Nothing..... If you any case today, Did you attend modeling audition at Xiao co. Xuan asked.

Haaa..... Yes ge..yibo replied in hesitate tone.

Did you told it zhan already.... Xuan asked again.

No...... Ge actually what happened is from school days I'm interested in modeling unfortunately today I saw the add about Xiao textiles and fashion industry needs new model for their new fashion launching so I thought maybe it will be good if try as a model in our co. As newbie so, I attend for these concert.

Humm.... If you wants then okay thinking something it'll be good for you both..... Xuan murmured.

What you mean ge.... Yibo asked

Nothing....... Yibo i just told that you are looking good in those dress. Xuan change the topic.

Thank you ge.... Xuan ge...... Hesitating tone did already zhan ge know about it. Still no but I'll tell him afterwards okay I'll call you latter saying he disconnected thr call.

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