chapter 37 zhan ge is mine

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Third person pro.

When jiyang explained everything what happened in past with zhan.

Yibo started to feel like heart broken, he can't able control his tears anymore when he gets to know that his zhan ge doesn't have any feelings for him he started feels so pathetic.

He maybe told jiyang that if he is the problem for his zhan ge life he will leave him for the sake of zhan's happiness but now he understand that is not easy to do as he said he can't leave his zhan ge easily if he may did so it will be so painful for him, after all zhan is his first love.

If any case zhan ge told me leave him or divorces me, then what i will do can no its...... I can't able to bear the pain losing my love his husband no.... No... I can't but.. Yibo was thinking deeply without any knowledge of front person who calling continuously him by his name.

Yibo...... Jiyang shakes him holding on his shoulder tightly.. What are you thinking.. Jiyang asked with worried face.

Yibo can't hold back his cry anymore he just hug jiyang tightly buried his face in another crotch started to wail like small kid.

Ji..... Jiyang ge...... I....i....hiccup......if ..zhan ge.......hiccup.......hiccup.....he wants to say what if zhan wants to break there relation with him ,but no words came out from his mouth but understand yibo what actually going on in his mind.

Yibo..... I know what are you worried about but trust me zhan never do that to you I'm sure about that..

Breaking the hug he looks at jiyang with questioning gaze. How can you say that u mean how you are sure about zhan ge never going to leave me.

I know zhan very well yibo he will not do anything like that which will hurt you... Yeah maybe if you want leave him by your wish maybe he don't stop you. Jiyang explain.

Whatever jiyang telling is right yibo another voice came from entrance.

Xuan ge....... Yibo looking at the person who is standing in front of them.

Yibo........... Tell me one thing... Did ever zhan try to hurt you physically...? Xuan asked

No.......... Moving his head in left and right yibo replied him in slow tone.

Hum........ Did he ever talk to you harshly.. Xuan

No.......... Again yibo replied with moving his head.

Did he ever judge you for anything.... Xuan asked.

No...... Yibo replied for third time.

Zhan is not that person who will hurt others intentionally....

Yibo......zhan is not that kind of person who can tell his feelings openly to anyone. maybe he behave so cold in front of everyone but i know how soft and fragile he was from inside.

Thinking deeply....... Maybe that's why he never able to express his feelings to ziyi.. Xuan murmur but yibo heard him.

What you mean ge why zhan ge didn't tell about his love to ziyi jeje ...Yibo asked

Taking sigh...... Maybe he fears to hear 'no'.... From his loved ones... Telling sat on chair.

And also chuckle...... Lightly what can i say that my friend is so dens that he even can't understand , others feelings also.

Shaking his head's...... that why he hurts other who loves him really.. He never do anything stupid intentionally...xuan explains him..

Hearing all this yibo just smiles little but still somewhere he is not feeling good.

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