chapter 65 A chance

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Third person pro.

When jin Zixuan got to know about the reality of jin Meng yao he was so heart broken and also he is feared when he heard that Meng yao intended to kill his son he have to save him at any cost he doesn't know how .

After thinking for sometime the only name came inside his brain is xiao yu yes she is only one can help him to find that person and save my zhan on time..... He murmur again taking the mobile in his hand he started dile her number...

But before he could did call her someone entered inside his room Zixuan looked at that person with full of astonished state he clutch his mobile tightly in his palm still not diverting the eyes from Meng yao who is standing in front of him while having a evil smile over him...

What are you doing da ge..... Yao asked him while slowly coming towards him..

No.... Nothing a yao..... Humm why are you here do you have any work with me... Jin Zixuan try to talk normal with him, covering his nervousness...

Meng yao slowly divert his eyes from his face to his right hand where Jin Zixuan clutching mobile in his hand... While smirking slightly he come nearer to him taking big steps he snatched the mobile from his hands...

Do you think I don't know anything about you heard everything my all conversation at phone, few minutes ago.... Humm.. You can't save him daga.... He replied..

After hearing his words he infuriated more he can't able to control his anger anymore he feeling so disgusting over him with full of furious he got up from his place land fist over his face..

With hard hit on his face a drops of blood came out from his side of mouth then Meng yao looks at his brother with blood shoot eyes while wiping the blood drop over side of his lip then he also Land's few punches over him Zixuan is not strong enough to fight with Meng yao .

If the situation was before is different but now because of his sensitive health conditions Zixuan lost so much weight and become so weak then before that he can't have that much stamina to fight with him anymore....

Then a yao dragged him rashly towards one chair holding over his neck make him sit over it he tide his both hands and legs with chair...

Zixuan wrigled furiously try to free himself but there is no way to free himself anymore....

After done with tying his both hands and legs Meng yao came in front of him bending at his heights he directly look at his face while still having the ugly look over him...

Why are you doing all this, a yao he is innocent he done nothing to you then why?... Zixuan asked him with teary eyes..

Yes, I know that he is innocent and he did nothing but do you know what his sin... Humm...... he is your son that is his biggest sin ever in his life and that is enough for me to kill him.... Jin Meng yao said in whispering voice...

Zixuan stare at him with wide eyes.... But why he mumbles in broken tone..

Because I hate you........ I hate you from our childhood and I envy you so much that you have everything but I'm not parents support, name, power, money, love, everything, you have.

Whatever you wish you gets it from childhood but me I'm like your Shadow to no one is intended to now anything about my feelings what I want from our childhood father only loves you but me I'm just like invisible for him he always shows care towards you he always pride on you introduce you as his son to all world.

But me always stay back far from you far from in real world hide myself behind walls, he never care about me not even for once by the way he feels disgusted about me he don't even like my existence.

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