chepter 43 jealousy

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Third person pro.

After sometime zhan came back to home when he entered the first thing he asked about is yibo....

Where is yibo aunt han.... He asked.

Umm.... Yibo already went for party young master... She replied.

He already went there not waiting for me... He murmurs..

What I'm thinking yibo was so excited for these party so maybe he went there soon I have to remember it soon, I'm the one sponsoring these party and I'm the one who forgot about it he murmurs he cursing himself again while going to his room.

After getting ready he also come out from the mansion and drove his car towards the pub .

After reaching their zhan entered inside the pub like at model with his impassive looks...

Lot of members in pub eyes stuck on zhan who is still having cold face on him still he looking so cool and handsome with those clothes they never saw zhan in casual clothes.

He really look like sexy God

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He really look like sexy God.... One girl murmurs looking at his CEO.

Everyone was looking at zhan but zhan eyes are surching for his husband...

Then finally he saw the person who was enjoying with his friend and co model yang yang.. Then he saw Darren who came there a juse glass on in his hand he gave it to..

Zhan who is watching all these become so annoyed...

Then yibo turns other side and his eyes lands on zhan... Zhan ge he murmurs having broad smile on him...

Then other two members also look at zhan they all start to come towards zhan standing in front of them.

Then zhan started his two minutes talk while attracting everyone attention towards him then he rises his vine glass up saying victory to Xiao group of industry...

Then other people also rise there glasses then zhan gulps the vine in glass in one go and he was about to go towards yibo but stops when he saw his business partners daughter at their mo zhu

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Then other people also rise there glasses then zhan gulps the vine in glass in one go and he was about to go towards yibo but stops when he saw his business partners daughter at their mo zhu . He became annoyed by watching her, he don't like her.

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