chapter 13 birth secret

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Third person pro.

Flash back continue.

Please dad let me join in art's department."zhan asked his father in requesting tone.

No ............... Zhan I don't allowed to join in art's department you have to join in business management department to becoming a great business man after me and manage our company and made it successful to great extent...... " Zhan's father replied him in stern voice.

Please dad didn't say like that it's my dream........ To become a great singer... Zhan said with sad tone

I'm not going hear anything about your dreams what I told you that you to do it and also singing songs it's don't have any future in that you have to learn business strategy and became a good CEO for Xiao company that's my final decision . Xiao fengmin told him while shouting on him .

But................ I don't want..... Before he could say anything his father went away from there.

Zhan became upset for his dad response for him and he have tears on his eyes.... He looked towards the room where his father went inside with hurtful gaze and he wiped his tears roughly he started to going out of Xiao mansion to meet his only friend.

Then, When he was going out from house then Mrs Xiao yu came there back from grocery shoping and saw zhan who is going out from house he had tears on his face and he looks like he got hurt by something like some matter.

With tensed face she went towards him zhan what happened son she asked him

Mom ........... By calling zhan hugged his mother tightly ...

Oh god........ What happened baby why are you crying...... She asked in anxious.....

Come first sit hear saying she brings him towards sofa and make him sit there and she also sat beside him while taking him in her arms she started to soothe on his back now tell me zhan what happened why are you crying ...... She asked him in calming voice.

Then, zhan started to narrate the story what happened before between his father and son in her absence....

Ohooo............. For this you started to cry don't worry I'll talk with your dad okay..... Now smile she said...

By lestining his mother zhan also felt little relief in his heart and he has a small smile in his face.

Okay......... Where are you going out now...... she asked

To meet Xuan I want to spend little time with him zhan replied

Taking a long singh okay you go now spend some time with your friends and I'll talk with your dad okay now you go....... Saying she bid bye to him

Zhan also went out of mansion and drove his bike towards his friends apartment.

Other side, unknown to zhan his father went inside his room sat on bed while holding his head he feels pathetic by rejecting for his son, he felt guilty to hurt zhan.

I can't able to protect you and now I'm again hurting your son meimei..... I'm sorry........ I'm so sorry for not saving you...... Fengmin said himself with sad tone.

He always love his family and his both son's are apple for his eyes. But now he was hurting his elder son he feels so guilty and he hate himself for that, but he can't do anything and he don't have any other choice......

Then, Mrs. Xiao yu went inside their shared room and saw her husband in dejected face. She went near to him and sat beside him.

Dear................... She called him

By lestining her voice he lifted his face and look towards his wife..... Without saying anything.

Why did you behaved like this infront of zhan you know how sad he was after hearing your decision... Yu asked her husband.

How did you get to know that....... Fengmin asked her

Just now....... Zhan told me everything and he is crying... Because of you... She said in angery tone.

What........... He cried where he was saying he got up from bed to go out ....

No........... Need to go anywhere zhan is not in home..... He went out to meet his friends.... She said

I hurt my son....... saying he sat back in his place with dejected face.

Now tell me why did you reject him to do that course...... If he wants to become a singer let him be why are you stoping him.. she again asked him.

What can I do now.....yu acording to agreement zhan only can become the chairman of our company ofter me if I accept his wish to become singer....the wen's will take the authority our company if it's happened our company reputation in public will get destroy... I can't take any risk in this afterall it's my father's dream he did so much for this company........ I can't see it gets collapse infront of me.

What kind of agreement dear....
why I didn't know about it.......... Yu asked him.

It's all happened in when zhan was born my father made a agreement that when zhan will be reach his 25th year old he will become a solo owner of Xiao company and the total authority of our will be handover to zhan.

Father did all this for Zhan's mother xiao lu my only sister who died while giving birth to zhan he felt guilty for not saving her at that time. When she gone while giving baby zhan in our hands dad started to see him as her he started surching for his doughter ( Xiao lu ) in zhan. That's why he loves zhan very much more than anyone. He said while crying......

Please dear don't cry.......... Yu said to her husband she also had tears in her eyes.

Now tell yu how could I say him who is his parents. How could I say the reality to him yu......

I can't able tell him actually what happened when he was borne how could I say him that he is not our own son..... But actually my sister's Xiao lu can I say that his mother got raped by that basterd jin jixuan and he is the result of that sinful act that monster towards his mother..... How could I say actually zhan is a raped child............ How could I fengmin said to her while tears in his eyes.

He crying continuously while covering his face ...........

I feel pathetic how useless brother I was I can't even protect my sister and she faced this much sorrow in her life, but I'm not with her to save her at that time...... He said while the tears flowing down from his eyes continuously.

No................... Dear... Please don't say like that please I beg you

Please don't say like that zhan is my son, our son he don't need to know anything about his birth he is our now and always he will be our son in this life time, if he get to know it he will be break down I don't want my zhan know about it no...... no...... he should not get to know about this I don't want to see him gets hurt dear.... please don't say like that.....I don't want my zhan go far from us he is my son my baby only mine he don't need to know about any Xiao lu ......... Yu replied while crying......

Hear you go my next chapter updated please check it out hope you will like it.

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