chapter 23 journey to Chenqien 2

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Third person pro.

Zhoxuan looked for yibo there but she couldn't not find him so she got up from her place went into next cabinet which is connected to this one then she saw him there chating with his friends, while his all friends teasing him continuously.

Then she went towards him and sat beside him while fanxing moved aside to give space to her to sit beside yibo.

Other side seung youn just looking at zhoxuan without blinking his eyes, wherever she goes he just fallowing her continuously with his gaze maybe he fall for her at first sight.

Then zhoxuan asked yibo why he was sitting here and she said zhan ge was sitting at there in other cabinet and he was here then she asked him that don't he want meet his fiance and why are you wasting your time here with this people come let's go saying she started pull him. And his all friends also support her while saying that yibo could spend some time with zhan after all he his betrothed with zhan ge and tomorrow they will became couple, but yibo feeling so nervous he was hesitate to meet zhan ge he don't why but his heart beast increasing so fast like the bullet train running inside his heart, his total face flushed.

Other side zhan was feeling so restless after watching ziyi there maybe zuo chang was not with her but still whenever he watching her he feels so much suffering pain his heart he thinking that she can't be his anymore and become his in this life time she is his little brother zuo Chang's wife while thinking all this the picture of there confession in front of there parents and there marriage and the time when they both behaving lovely dovey in front of them forgetting about in front of people everything came in front of his eyes while imagining all this he only felt more and more pain in his chest.

Hao xuan also absorb his friend inconvenience he can understand zhan very well he knows how zhan was feeling at this moment after zuo chang and ziyi marriage zhan came out from Xiao mansion and he always try to avoid his family very much and specially chang and ziyi but he can't avoid them fully whatever happened it's not there fault and after all they all are his family but whenever he face them any business or family gathering he doesn't like it he feels more and more pain in his heart.

Zhan pain was increasing constantly he bare it anymore so he got up from his place abruptly .Other side yubin and jili enjoying their own time, by looking at their friend in little off they both looked at him with questioning gaze not only them everyone present at their looked hum with their questioning gaze. (Yubin and jili don't know what was happening with their friend they only knows that zhan loves someone in college time but they don't know the person actually was)
Living Hao xuan no one can understand the situation that zhan actually facing at that moment.

Then, zhan what happened yu asked him with concern tone.

Haa............ Mom... Nothing actually I'm feeling so tired so, I want to take nap for some he said.

Oh................ I think you work again all over night yesterday it's okay you go take some rest when we will reach I'll come to wake you up she told in shooting tone. Then nodding his head zhan went from there.

When zhoxuan started pulled him more and all his friends also telling him to go to zhan ge but he can't dare to take step at this moment even there friends tease him saying yibo never gets fear to take initial step to take in any work and never feel shy to talk with others but now he just behaving like shy teenage girl.

When the conversation going with all friends then zhan came there with xuan while watching zhan there everyone become silent and zhoxuan also stop pulling him all his friends started looking at zhan with awe stuck face, really they all are mesmerized by zhan look's he really very handsome, he is not less than a famous model.

Bending over to yibo jingyi told him in whispering tone that he is really lucky his future husband is really handsome. Yibo become more red with embarrassment.

Other side zhan also feeling so uneasy inside him after watching yibo he doesn't know what he even can he say at that moment in few minutes ago he forgot that he is going to marry yibo and tomorrow is there wedding he became more nervous with unknown sensation and also he so much guilty while looking at the inocent person in front of him while thinking that he going to bring him into his mess.

Zhan yibo just looking at in each other eyes without blinking for once they both had so many emotions in there heart but not single word came out from there mouth yibo looking at zhan so much happiness in his face so much hope in his eyes the hope for their bright future but zhan feeling so much guilt in his chest guilt for not telling about his feelings to him guilt for cheating him he knows in future he only can give pain to him while breaking his hope on him into pieces but he can't say it loudly to him. But why he didn't know but he can't mainly watching that inocent face in front of him.

One is thinking about their bright future and another one thinking about his dark past.

Both zhan and yibo involved in looking at in each other eyes very much that they forgot about their surrounding the people who are looking at both them with full of amazement.

Ahem........... Then someone make coughing sound by hearing it both yibo and zhan came out from there trance looked at the source of voice person it's no other than zhoxuan.

Then, zhan ge why did came here don't tell me you came here to see yibo ge.. Zhoxuan said in playful tone then everyone started to chuckled lightly while covering their mouth.

Uh............. Ha..... No........ I mean....... I zhan don't what he can say he feeling so nervous by looking so many people staring at him.

Then, xuan who is standing with him answer them saying that zhan feeling so tired because yesterday he worked for over night so he going to take nap before that he also wanted see yibo for once.. He replied them.

Oh........ It's okay zhan ge this all yibo ge friends actually yibo ge wants to introduce them to you but he feeling so shy now so, instead of him I'm introducing them all saying she introduced them to zhan by there name zhan only replied them with hello he didn't tell anything more than that. They also didn't talk much with him by hearing that he didn't take proper sleep last night.

Then zhan again move from there went inside another personal cabinet which is restroom removing his coat and shoes he keeps them aside and lay on the bed while closing his eyes.

Then zhan again move from there went inside another personal cabinet which is restroom removing his coat and shoes he keeps them aside and lay on the bed while closing his eyes

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