chapter 49 zhan ge i need help.

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Third person pro.

Next day morning at 6.00 am zhan was the first one who woke up from his sleep while rubbing his face with his palm he slowly opened his eyes.

Then he saw yibo sleeping over on his chest while keeping his whole body weight over him.

He can't see properly the sleeping yibo face but still he is very happy having him like this in his arms he never felt this kind of feeling in his life upto now.

When after yibo came into his life his totall life style started move in different way he doesn't know whether he loves the person or not but one thing was true that whenever yibo came near to him he would feel like his heart will burst out from his rib cage,whenever he smile in front of him he would forgot all his suffering and pain..

He moving his fingers on his hair slowly while having a bright smile over him yibo suddenly turned over to other side in his sleep while removing his weight over from zhan.

Then zhan looking at sleeping yibo properly once again........ Even in your sleep also you look so cute to me saying he gave a small pick again over his lips then went out from that room.....

After getting fresh up as usual he went for jogging and getting ready for office both yibo and zhan went for their...

One week later....

Its happened to one week for yibo to said I love you, to zhan, but zhan never replied him with words like I love you too to yibo but he always shows his love by action, with his caring, possessive, his jealousy, everything that's all shows his love for him.

And yibo also never force zhan to tell his love in words but he understand it, 'sometimes our actions tells more than our word's' ......

They are very happy with each other whenever zhan gets free time he likes to spend his quality time with him and also day by day started became bold towards yibo from last few days he became addict to yibo lips very much.

he always try to stole kisses from yibo not thinking whether it's a office or home his possessive nature towards him began to increase more and more day by day, it's like zhan seriously wants to show whole world that whom he(yibo) is belongs to actually.

But from two days he missing yibo very much because of heavy schedule yibo is busy in outdoor photoshoots for their newly launching fashion, zhan became busy with his new projects and meetings etc.

It's became difficult for both of them to spend quality time together they both will busy with their works for whole day and night when they will reach there home at that time they both already became tired with heavy load of work so, after finishing their dinner they will go back to their rooms sleep, it's like became routine for them.

And in this few days Darren also try to gain yibo trust on him behaving good in front of him he also say's sorry to him for his rude behavior at that time he act like in front of him like really support zhanyi couple, yibo who don't know the hidden agenda of this person believed him and treat him as he used to before like his friend.

But zhan still don't trust Darren after what happened between them he somewhere doubt about this person he thinks that Darren was not the person who shows in front of everyone so always keep eye on him even for sake of yibo he maybe accept to keep Darren still in this job but still he has his reason to doubt on him and he don't want this person became to hindrance in there life so, he strictly said him manage only office and all about the photoshoot of model everything manage by Yixuan.

As usual yibo went with Yixuan other crue members out side where the photo shoot was held near a beach after that photoshoot they all enjoyed their at beach very much at evening everyone came back to there office after finishing outdoor photoshoot, when he entered inside the office building he started go surch for his husband at 14 th floor zhan, xiao fengmin, chang, other bord of directors came out from meeting hall after finishing their meeting at their.

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