chapter 15 marriage arrangements

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Everyone is busy in laughing by watching yu and zhoxuan who are hugging each other..

Then, Ahme......... A sound attract them they all again turned towards the door saw Xiao Chang their Xiao yu just role her eyes and zhoxuan pucker her lips......

Carmen and Yibo both smiled brightly by watching him Chang oh..... I'm sorry dear I didn't see you saying Carmen went near to Chang

How are you my son............. She asked him.

I'm very fine aunty saying he also wish her back by asking her well beings........

Then, Yibo also came forward to Chang and wish him.......

Hi Chang gege.......... Yibo wish him and forward his hand for handshake.

Hi Yibo wishing him back Chang take his hand and reaproshnate him.

How are Yibo he asked him again....

Fine gege..... He replied.

I never thought you will become zhan ge's life partner and I'm very happy for both of you...... Chang said while smiling

Thanks gege.......... Yibo replied while smiling shyly.

I don't expect Yibo can get shy this much good...... Zhoxuan said while chuckling

Zhoxuan what I said now don't teas Yibo like that.......... Yu said by stoping zhoxuan.

Then, they all settled down on sofa Carmen went inside kitchen to bring four more cup of coffee and some snacks for them.

Yu is busy in talking with Yibo....... O very happy now... That you are became my son in law.

While smiling Yibo just nooded his head.

Aunty shall I ask you one thing.... Yibo asked yu..

Everyone looked towards him with excitement face...

Yeah....... Yibo my you can ask me whatever you want..... Yu said.

And one more thing don't call me aunty call me mom okay........ She said.

Yibo node his head with full of happiness.

Now tell me what do you wanted to ask me...... She said again.

That's what I want to ask you is ...... Is ...... Did zhan ge is happy with this marriage I mean did he accepted for this marriage with me.... He asked in hesitate voice.

Then, everyone laughed at his question......

While shaking her head yu pat on his head o....... Baby don't worry your zhan ge already told yes for this marriage...... Yu said

Really aunty........... Yibo asked her with excitement face.

Yes......... My baby really zhan accepted for marriage with you.. she told.

And .......... You I'm telling you one more time don't call me as aunty call me mom okay....... She said while creasing his hair.

Okay aunty............ I mean mom. Yibo replied with blissed smile.

That's...... Good.. she replied.

Then, Carmen also came there and put the tray on table she served all of them, coffee and sat beside yu.

Then, Carmen we decided to bring our son in law to wedding shoping.... Yu said.

What do you mean by wedding shoping Carmen asked.

Yeah........ I'm sorry I didn't told you when Qerin brother came to Xiao mansion today morning to talk about Yibo and Zhan's marriage with fengmin Then, we decided to fix their marriage date. And, we fixed it on next Thursday......... Yu said.

What next Thursday... Then, it means only four days left for this marriage.... you guys already fixed date without knowing me it's unfair afterall I'm Yibo mother I have to know about it before heads when you guys discuss about it you can call me and inform me about that Iam also come there. Carmen said with sulking face.

Sorry......... It was happed so much rush at that time we don't have that much time to inform you and you know fengmin he wants this marriage happen as soon as possible so we decided it this much soon ... Ah one more thing the marriage was held in Changqine city you know that's father yu youmen birth place fengmin wants to the zhan and Yibo marriage happened at Changqine so, they are arranging the marriage in our Changqine farmhouse. Yu said Carmen

Okay.......... Carmen just node her head with disspoint face.

But how can we arrange all things only in four how it's possible to arrange marriage prepration this much soon...... and also in Changqine. Carmen asked inquiring manner.

Don't worry about all this things fengmin and Qerin brother went to talk with marriage event manager. And chang is managing all about wedding invitation card and inviting all relatives...... Yu said.

Carmen just node her head with satisfied smile...

Mom Yibo called yu.......

Yes....... Yibo.. yu asked by looking Yibo.

Don't you it's little bit rushed.... Yibo asked her.

Why son do you have any problem with it....... Yu asked back with questioning gaze.

No........... No............ It's not like that is zhan ge don't feel discomfort for rushing our marriage.... Yibo...

Oh...... Oooo..... Yibo ge How much care about his future husband from now only zhoxuan said in teasing voice.

Everyone started to laugh in this...

Really Yibo how much cares about zhan ....... Ziyi also told

While, Everyone just nodded their heads with agreement...

Oh........ My baby boy u already talked with your zhan ge and he don't have any problem with it. Yu said

Then, Yibo smiled with happy fully content with her words.

Okay........... Now you both go get ready fast we have to leave for wedding shoping........ Yu said while looking at Yibo and Carmen.

Okay saying they both went into their own bedrooms and get ready for shopping while charging their attire in casual clothes.

When Yibo and Carmen went into their rooms yu turned towards Chang and asked that he also coming for shopping with them.

No .......... Mom I have work in office after that I have to go and check the wedding invitations prepration and also we also send them to our all relatives on time by courier...... Chang said.

Then, what about your suit........yu asked.

Mom........ What are you saying it's not important to buy suit for me it's zhan ge marriage not mine so, don't worry about me and Ziyi also caming with you she can select anything that she likes for me you just think about zhan ge and Yibo........ They're the groom's of this Marriage. Chang said

Oww......... Chang ge give how much importance to Ziyi jiji...... Zhoxuan said while smiling.

In that time Yibo and Carmen also came back to them at leaving room.

While looking Yibo everyone smiled with pleasent....

You are looking so cute in this clothes Ziyi said to Yibo while looking him.

Yibo smiled shyly and said thank you for her.

Okay............ Mom I will go now I have work saying Chang bid good bye to be everyone and went from there.

While watching Chang going from there, Chang ge is not coming with us. Yibo asked

No............ Yibo chang ge have some office work and he also see after the invitations which going to our friends and family........ Yu said.

Noding his head what about zhan ge he asked her again......

Hear you go my next chapter updated please check it out hope you will like it.

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