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Third person pro...

Two months later...

Tomorrow is zhan's birthday yibo is very excited he thinking to give a grand surprise birthday party for him he is planning for this from long time, he already talked with chang, xuan and haikun about it they also agreed to him and promised him to help him....

After talking with tomorrow planing with his all family members and friends yibo went inside their room and saw zhan who is slowly pating over a xian ( their baby) make him to sleep while humming a slow and smooth melody...

Zhan ge...... Yibo called him..

Zhan show through sign.... Language to keep silent while showing sleeping a xian...

What are you doing at outside.. Zhan questioned..

Haah.... Yeah... Mom did call me so I'm just talking with her through phone call.. Yibo replied him little bit nervously..

Humm..... Zhan just node his head without asking anymore questions he knows very well that yibo is planing with his family members to give him some surprise party but he never disclose it in front of him he's very happy watching yibo this excited he don't want tell him that he knows about their plan and make yibo upset so, he just kept silent....

Next day morning as usual zhan was the one who woke up from his sleep early, watching sleeping figure next to him he kissed over his head then again he stop by watching his son who sleeping peacefully in his cradle moves his finger over his head, then he went inside the bathroom to finish his daily routine..

When he came back to room getting ready yibo is already woke up from his sleep...

Zhan ge...... He called coming out from bed and asked you're already awake got ready for office..

No..... Yibo.... I'm not going for office I have some important meeting at outside I'm going there I'll back till afternoon okay... He replied while hugging him. Then bidding good bye he went away from there.

Yibo took long sigh... He was thinking how to send zhan outside to arrange them surprise party at home but now zhan himself tell that he was went outside..

Other side zhan who going through his car stops his car near flowers shop he buying flowers from there went back again at his car started driving again then finally after 40 minutes he reached at graveyard, he went inside it holding flowers and a dairy in his hand..

He stands at in front of particular cemeteries he keep those flowers on both graves then the dairy in between them those are Xiao lu and jin zixuan's graves.

Mom....... Dad........ Zhan mumble tears trickle down on his face he crotch down in between both graves...

Flash back..

When zixuan died while saving zhan he always has his doubts that why?

Like why did zixuan save him?

And why meng yao try to kill him?

But he never asked about it to his parents so, few days after zixuan and meng yao death zhan himself went into jin mansion to know the truth by himself there he found at jin zixuan room his dna file which clearly shows that he is his there biological son ... He was dumbstruck by this truth he started to cry with so, much agony, by knowing this truth...

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