chapter 51 yibo missing

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Third person pro.

Zhan reaching at the beach area where the photoshoot was held, he gets to know that yibo was missing , from Yixuan...

Zhan is very shocked after hearing it , his total mind became blank for second, then he started to surch for yibo at all over beach with others workers, he became like a mad man serching yibo, his total body drenched in sweat his heart paining like hell..... yibo where are you? he murmured while holding his tears in his eyes.....

After sometime xuan came at zhan then both started to surch for yibo other side xiao and wang family know about yibo missing news haikun who came back day before from USA wanted to meet his brother but after knowing about his brother now he is so much worried and tens for his brother already few police officer and xiao family private detective started their surch operation for yibo...

Carmen, qiren, with there family came at the xiao mansion Carmen after knowing about her son she became crying mess qiren trying to console her from long time she can't able to hold her tears anymore, other side xiao yu also not in good condition at that time she is more worried about yibo more she maybe looks so quite but fengmin clearly understand his wife is not in right condition there is storm going under her brain.

He himself can't understand anything whatever happening at that time even haikun ,xiao chang also started surch for yibo in few minutes total wang and xiao family was in Misserable condition.

Zhan with xuan next to him started to surch for yibo with ten bodyguards fallowing them, zhan looking here and there for yibo with full of desperation his mind not working at now the pain of loosing yibo becoming high for every second tears rolling down from his eyes, because of distress he can't able to think anything.

What happened to yibo where he was I can't understand anything xuan... Zhan said, defeatist tone...

Even xuan also very anxious about his friend condition he don't know what happened to yibo and zhan also looks so devastated by yibo missing he is more worried about both of his friends,after watching zhan condition he silently praying God inside to give any clues to find yibo.....

Then suddenly xuan remember something about, with wide eyes he look towards zhan and then called him by his name....

Zhan....... Xuan called him

Zhan looked at his friend with questioning gaze after hearing his name..

Darren..... Name came out from xuan mouth..

Then zhan pulled sudden break of car and stopped his car at middle of the road with wide eyes while taking heavy breathe, he looked at his friend..

He didn't attend office for past two days he took leave by saying his mother is sick but we can't trust him fully everyone knows that he has crush on yibo if really he is the one who kidnapped our yibo that means.......... Keeping silent for sometime,

Zhan we have to find him before he could harm yibo... Xuan said..

Oh...... No.. No... Nothing will happened to my yibo i have to save him..... If......if he is the one who kidnapped my yibo..

then I'm not going to leave him anymore.... Zhan murmured with dingurous aura surrounding him...

Then zhan again about started the car while giving life to the engine but he stopped while thinking some other things, then he remember about the necklace which he gifted yibo few days ago...

Flash back.

Few days ago both zhan and yibo went outside as a lunch date at xx restaurant which is very famous restaurant among the Beijing city, then after finishing their lunch they both came out from there started to go towards shopping mall as yibo wish..

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