chapter 16 wedding shopping

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Third person pro.

Noding his head what about zhan ge Yibo asked mrs. Yu again......

Huh......... Haan Yibo you know that your zhan ge is busy person he always busy with his office work so, he only told me that he can't able to come for shopping now with us.

So, you have to choose the wedding suite for your groom by yourself yu said while smiling.

Really but if zhan ge didn't like that suit which I selected for him what we will do then Yibo asked her with questioning gaze.....

Ohooo........ Yibo don't think so much baby your zhan ge will gladly wear it whatever you select for him...... Yu said.

Noding his head okay Yibo murmured.

Then, all of them went to shoping complex while driving their car's.....

After reaching their yu is looks more excited then anyone at there.

She was so happy while holding her friend Carmen hand tightly she just giggling cantinusly without any reason. She just behaving like teenage girl who is going to marry her loved ones..

Then, all entered inside shopping mall and went towards the clothing stores where wedding clothes are available

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Then, all entered inside shopping mall and went towards the clothing stores where wedding clothes are available.

Yu and Carmen is busy with selecting wedding attires for zhan and Yibo but Yibo is not satisfied with the clothes but he was hesitant to say it openly.

Oh....... God you both old woman Stop it now.. zhoxuan said them in little loud voice...

Then, yu and Carmen stoped what they are doing and turned towards zhoxuan..

What now....... Yu asked her with anoyed voice.... And you dare to call me old again..... Yu said we anger voice.

Aunty it's zhan ge and Yibo ge marriage so let him select what he wants zhoxuan said while taking sign....

Yes, mom what zhoxuan said is right let Yibo select the wedding attire for both of them Ziyi also told while agreeing with zhoxuan.

Okay....... okay....... Sorry baby you can choose what you want.... While saying yu pats on his hair.

Yu I think we should go select for clothes Yibo will manage here while selecting his and Zhan's clothes what do you say yibo Carmen asked.

Yes ........ Yibo replied while smiling with satisfied

Then, yu and Carmen went other side of that clothing store to choose clothes for them selves leaving Ziyi and zhoxuan with Yibo for help.

After going through so many clothes for long time Yibo choose the wedding attire for his zhan ge and for himself also.....

Black for zhan

Black for zhan

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