chapter 30 hurt

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Third person pro.

Yibo silently went inside the mansion he was in deep thinking that he didn't heard that someone calling him he just moving forward like Robert in trance state then suddenly he collided with something he was about fall forward but still he manages himself and look down the thing that he collided with its a teapoy which is placed in middle of the leaving area there are few sofa set also there around it he felt little pain on his toes where he got hit by the wooden teapoy.

Hisss.... He winched in pain he sat on the next sofa holding his foot he saw the red bruises on his toe fingers the tears wants come out from his eyes but he is holding himself.

The mean time someone came towards him while running...

Oh god......... Young master are you okay the person asked while sitting down on the floor nearer yibo.

Before the person could touch his feet yibo stops her saying no.... Please

Then she lifting her head she looked at yibo face after long time she is watching yibo after so many years she watching him when she first saw him then he was only 3 months toddler when wang out from this country in yibo childhood she never able to see him again as a person.

He didn't change much still he have the same cute inocent baby face he is already 20 years old now but still he looks like a baby in front of her.

Without knowing to her, Yibo............. Unconsciously she called him by his name.

Yibo just looked at her with puzzled face aunt ........ You are....? He asked with questioning look.

Huh....... Haan I'm mrs han housekeeper....

Oh..... Okay..... Yibo murmured.

She just smiled at him I think you got hurt on your feet let me see it she about to touch it again.

No.... No.... Anty you don't need to touch my foot you're older than me saying he bring back his feet.

It's okay young master let me see it saying she again try to touch it but yibo is not ready to let her touch his feet.

Don't worry young master yibo if your mother was here in my place then also will you deny her to show your wound she asked him softly while having motherly look on her.

Unknown to him yibo felt so warm in his chest he already started to miss his mom very much.

Hesitantly he brought his brings his wounded feet forward to her and show's her his wound which happened few minutes ago because of hit..

She looked at his feet... Ohooo how much red it's become she murmured little sad tone then she called riya ( another servant) tell her to bring fasted box instantly after getting it she applied some ointment on his bruises and then roled a band-aid on his toe fingers..

Thank you aunt han yibo... said

You don't need to thank me yibo.... I'm sorry young master... She replied with smile on her face.

It's okay aunt han you call me yibo.... You don't need to call me as young master and i like it when you call me by name he replied her.

She again smiled looking at him still same as before kind heart baby... She thought.

Come yibo let me you to your room she said.

At first yibo felt little hesitate but still he gave his hand to her while supporting him she brought him to his room.

Come let's lay here she helps him to let on his bed yibo luggage was already placed in this room at corner.

Have you ate anything outside she asked him.

But yibo didn't replied her anything.

Just wait here, I'll bring something for you to eat saying she left from there.

After some time she again come into room with food and water in her hands..

Arranging a small table in front of him she put food plate with water in front of him.

First yibo look at her then the food which was placed in front of him with hesitating hand he hold chopsticks in his hand and started to eat it taking small bites of it.

He was feeling so hungry and also the food was very delicious so, he can't able to stop himself maybe it's small bites but he completed all food in the plate.

Then she removed everything at there placed at on side then she covered duvet over him telling to take some rest then look towards luggage which is placed other corner of the room let me help you arranging them she said.

No... No..... Aunt I'll do..... Yibo could say anything more she stops him saying that he was hurt he should take rest now and she will arrange everything.

Yibo didn't tell anymore to her, he silently look towards her while leaning on headboard he is little tired but not that sleepy at now so he just observing everything silently he looks all around the room.

It's a nice room but it's not a master bedroom it has nice classy look it doesn't have so much decorations in the room to his surprised there is not atleast single photo frame all over the room and the room also look like guest bedroom ge also observed the closest also totally empty when aunt han arranging his clothes, and the room is so much clean and tidy that looks like it was cleaned by servants recently..

Unknown to him he felt little hurt in him he hesitantly looking towards aunt han again...

Aunt han..... He called her

Humm....... Murmured she look at yibo with questioning gaze.

Zhan ge room........??He don't know how could he ask her.

But she understand it...... But she feels so nervous to replay him she became silent for few seconds..

Taking sigh... She said left side third room is zhan's bedroom.. She replied.

Yibo.... Don't know what can he feels now why he was staying here at this room not in his husbands room.

Zhan ge told you to arrange my things here at this room yibo asked her again in slow tone.

But she heard everything that told by yibo she became silent again looking down she can feel the pain which he was bearing at now..

Humm....... Only humm... Sound came out from her lips...

Yibo was feeling heart broken he didn't understand what was happening here why he have to stay here why not in zhan ge room why his zhan ge is pushing him away did he done any mistake that's why his husband keeps him away don't he wants to marry him then why did he accepted for this wedding, so many questions are rising in his mind but he doesn't have any answer for them.

He wants to cry now but he was controlling himself.

Suddenly mrs. Han called him I think I arranged all your clothes in closest rest of things I'll arrange them afterwards I think you're tired and need some rest now please take rest for sometime yibo.. She told him.

Yibo didn't replied her rather than nodding his head silently.

Then she taking the plate and glass in her hand she went out from his room while closing the door.

After when mrs.han went out from there yibo can't able to control himself few tears roll down from his eyes he already started to feel insecure in this house.

Hi guys here you go thr next chapter is updated.

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