chapter 11 distress

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Third person pro.

After mrs. Xiao went from there zhan and haoxuan went to their office zhan after their conversation he became quite he did not say anything Haoxuan try to talk with him but zhan didn't gave any response to him.

Reaching to company parking lot both came out from the car went inside office there also he didn't talk anything to anyone just walking like a dead corpse inside company so many staff members wishing him good morning but he never gave any response to them atleast noding his head he just went inside lift reached his office.

After entering in he sat on his place while thinking something deeply like his body is present but mind is absent.
Haoxuan and his office secretary minmin also try talk with him but no use.

That full day he was in distress he can't able to concentrate on any office work. By watching his friend like this haoxuan made all meeting get cancelled today postpone it some other days.

He understands that his friend is not in mind to talk with anyone he needs some time to digest the thing what happened at today morning.

Taking long singh........ He left his friend in office room to give up him some time alone let him think about this all what happened in his life.

Zhan was in so much stressed he can't concentrate on office work so, leaving all his work aside he went home back early then normal days.

After some time he reached at his mansion went straight into his home bar then taking a one drink from it he gulped half of the botel.

After some time he reached at his mansion went straight into his home bar then taking a one drink from it he gulped half of the botel

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Shaking his head arghhh...... He screamed again lifting that half filled bottel drink it and he finished it in few minutes. Then, he started to laugh loudly like madman but in few minutes laughs turned into cries and wails.

After crying for long time he layed on bar counter then slept there in drunken position the counter became wet with his tears where he sleep while keeping his head.

Anyone can get know the drunken condition of him by the strong alcohol smell from his body and clothes, his total body was drenched in sweat. He is not aware what is going on his saroundings....

After some time Haoxuan came back to office went towards zhan office room to see but he was not there by seeing it he became worried he went out asked his secretary minmin about zhan.

Then she told that zhan sir was not feeling well so he went early from office.

Okay........ You can go now saying he went towards zhan's mansion while driving his car he was more worried about his friend.....

Why zhan....... Why you behaving like this oh god....... Why did I went out for meeting with Chang leaving him alone in office ....... Xuan murmured. Tension distress worry everything can visible in his..

By driving his car fast he reached at his house run inside while surching for his friend....

Zhan....... Zhan....... He called him in shaking voice...

Then, while searching him he went towards the home bar there he saw zhan who sleeping while keeping his head on counter table slowly he went towards zhan there he saw the alcohol bottle which is laying on floor break into pieces....

Then, he slowly lifted his friend face he saw the dried tear strains on his and the counter table also get wet with his tears...

Shaking his head he took a long singh....... Lifting his friend in his arms like bridle style he brings him to his room layed him on his bed removing his coat and shoes bring some hot water from his bathroom clean his upper body with wet towel by removing his shirt he changed it into another one.....

Then, he sat on nearest sofa in bedroom and sat on it he called his husband said that he can't coming to home now he will to stay with zhan. He informed his sister ' Lixy 'to stay in his home for today night and take care of his pregnant wife/ husband in home.

Keeping his phone aside he sat like that only by holding his head by his both hands, inbetween he watched sleeping figure again and again then, he rubbing his face with full of distressed... agrhh..... Zhan.... He said in low voice and looked towards him with anger face... Then, he layed on that sofa while watching zhan and drifted into sleep after some time....

They both with out having their dinner slept like that only......

Morning, first haoxuan wake up from his sleep and saw zhan who is still sleeping peacefully with long singh he went out of the room and went inside the guest room to get fresh up then he go into the kitchen prepare coffee for himself..

Taking the coffee cup in his hands he sat on sofa in leaving room then the butler and cook came inside the mension given instructions to them Haoxuan went upstairs to the zhan's room.

Entering into his room he saw zhan already woke up and sitting on bed while holding his head...

Ahh ......... My head ...... It's so paining.... Zhan said to himself.....

It's......... Called hangover........ Haoxuan said while looking on him.

Hearing his friend voice zhan lift his head and saw haoxuan there...

Haoxuan when did you came..... Zhan asked

Yesterday night when you're laying on bar counter after drinking full bottel... Xuan said in mocking voice....

Xuan........... That's..... I..... Before zhan could say anything haoxuan talked.

First you go get fresh up zhan the cook is preparing breakfast after having breakfast we can sit and talk go now yesterday also you didn't eat anything ........ He said and make zhan go inside the bathroom and he went out from his room wait for him in leaving room.

After zhan came down by getting ready they both went inside dinning room sat there on their place had their breakfast silently with out saying anything.

After finishing their breakfast they both went inside home library sat there silently.....

While taking long breath Xuan started thy conversation zhan what do you think of yourself...... He asked with stern voice.

Haoxuan.......... That..... Zhan was hesitant to say anything, he feeling so nurvues.

Hear you go my next chapter updated read and enjoy it.

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