chapter 24 journey to Chanqien 3

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After talking with yibo friends.... zhan again move from there went inside another personal cabinet which is restroom removing his coat and shoes he keeps them aside and lay on the bed while closing his eyes.

He wants to sleep for some time he wants to avoid about all bad thinking's which are making him uneasy making his pain more in his heart he is not ready.... Not ready for this marriage he is not ready to face yibo he feels so guilty in his heart for not telling truth to him.

He doesn't know that why he was marrying yibo is it because he betrothed with yibo in his childhood or it's because grandfather yumaun last wish or... Or.. May be his mom asked him for this and he don't want to hurt her or his family he don't know but he was so confused that did not understand what he was actually doing to right or wrong.....

But one thing is for sure that's, at this moment he wants to avoid ziyi he wants avoid yibo he wants to avoid the things that making his heart suffer so much then shuffled his hand in his pocket then he took a small bottle which contains sleeping pills in it he wanted to take them but he stopped thinking he can't able take them now Chanqien is not so for from here and they are going through flight so mostly it will take 1 or 2 hours reach their if he took the pills at now then his family will gets to know about it he don't want to disclose this habit of this to his family.

From when chang and ziyi marriage happed and he came out for that house from then on he started to take this pills. Whenever he feels uneasy start to feels suffering by his inner thoughts he will take take them to cool down and to get peaceful sleep it's not like he will take them daily but sometimes whenever he feels so devastate conditions.

Then thinking all this he put the bottle inside again in his pocket and lay down try to sleep for some time.

Other side xuan who came into the cabin where yibo with friends were present while fallowing zhan stay there with them he wanted to talk with yibo that's why he sat there leaving his friend to take rest for sometime. He looked at yibo then yibo also look towards him say's hi then they both started to talk with each other most like yibo Questioning to xuan while asking about zhan likes and dislike and xuan replying him patiently.

And all his friends and zhoxuan listening him attentively xuan words with yibo at that time ziyi also came there and sat with them while joining their conversation.

Yibo knows very well that xuan is very close to his zhan ge he knows that they both are best friends but behave like siblings zhoxuan and ziyi already told him about zhan and xuan friendship and how strong there bound was....

xuan ge knows everything that related to zhan ge . it's like he is open book for xuan ge he can able to read and understand his every feeling about his friend yibo all wants to like xuan he also wants to know more about zhan he also want to understand him without saying anything of course tomorrow they'll get married to zhan and they'll become couple but he also wanted to become his (zhan's) best friend with whom he can share any feeling that's maybe sad and happy without any hesitation...

After talking with xuan yibo can understand why zhan is so close to him xuan is more like mature and humble person he is very friendly with him and also with his friends after talking with him for hour they'll became good friends....

After some time the air hostess came there then informed them that they reached Chanqien the flight will be going to land in few minutes then all are went to their seats and started to put there seat belt xuan wanted to go in personal cabin to wake up zhan but he thought something then looked to yibo to said him to go and wake up zhan from his sleep at first yibo was hesitate but still after hearing their friends also saying that have to go there to wake up zhan he nodded his he went to the room.

After entering to the room he saw his zhan ge who is sleeping peacefully he likes the view in front of zhan is looking so cute when he was sleeping he just mesmerizing by the cute and handsome face he doesn't want to spoil this moment he just wanted to look at the front person without blinking his eyes for once the front view was so heart warming it's making so happy for him. He likes his zhan..... He likes him very much actually he loves him he wants to see this face life long.....

Watching him for few more minutes yibo came out from his daze and shaking his head he went towards zhan to wake him before he could voice out him zhan moves little and started to rub his eyes while pouting his lips.

Unknown to him again yibo stopped in his track then started to watch his zhan ge with full of adoration he has a bright smile on his face he can feels flowers blooming in heart his ears become red with shy.

Then adjusting with his eye contact zhan started look at his surroundings then his eyes land on the person who is standing beside his bed he saw yibo who is there he have a bright smile and he can also see that boy ears are turned red he don't know what was he thinking but he likes the view yibo is really very cute like little angel when he gets shy but he didn't understand why he was shy for...

Then adjusting himself zhan looks other side and got up from bed they both are silent not even single word came from each other it was so awkward they both felling so hesitant to talk with one another...

Taking a long breath yibo started the conversation saying in breaking tone...

Actually............. Tha..... That........ We re.....reaching Chanqien ....that flight will gets land in few minutes.... He said in stuttering voice..... He don't know why can't able to talk in front of zhan his heart beats become fast and he can feels that his cheeks also heating up... He never behave like this before he is more confidence while talking with other but he doesn't know why he was behaving like this in front of zhan..

Then...... He han hear,Hummm..... Zhan Murmured we should go out now zhan told him slow tone nodding his they both came out from the cabinet, and went to their seats without saying anything...

Hi guys here you after long time I'm updating new chapter, hope you guys like it...

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