chapter 57 intense romance

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Third person pro...

After hearing zhao lusi advice yibo become so embarrassed his total face become full red he is really became blushing mess....

Jiejie........ You're really shameless.... He whisper and shouts at her run away from there with blushing face....

Awe..... I'm giving you this nice idea and you calling me shameless how unreasonable. She murmurs with annoyance...

Thinking something, Should I try again at now with Jason she whispers herself thinking what if.....

Then, No... No... That beast normally not leave me when we are in bed, if I any case intentionally provoke him I'll be dead dove.... She murmurs while shaking her head.....

Other side yibo who run away from his dressing room with embarrassment he didn't saw the person who is coming towards him then he suddenly collided to that person losing his balance over his legs he is about to fall then suddenly two hand's holds him tightly preventing him to fall over the floor....

Yibo closed his eyes tightly waiting for get hit by floor but when he felt two strong arms over him he slowly open his eyes look at the person who has worried expression over him....

Zh.... Zhan ge... Yibo called looking at his face...

Yibo are you okay baby..... Zhan question back while helping him to stand straight...

Umm...... Yibo just node his head..

Why your face is so red and why are you running like this.. he asked

Is anyone says anything to or anyone trebles you.... Zhan asked him again with worried face...

No... No...... Zhan ge I'm absolutely fine no said anything to him... Yibo replied with smile

Still zhan looked at the dressing room entrence doubtful expression, where few seconds ago yibo came while running then he saw zhao lusi he coming out from there then his face become dark then he glares at her with cold eyes..

Zhao lusi when she saw zhan at their and also looking at her with dark gaze chocked on her breathe with fear her total face and body become so sweaty by his single glance she shaking furiously by fears then she bow down as a respect in front of him...

Yibo who observed the zhan dark gaze on zhao lusi hold his hand by calling his name to divert him from lusi....

Zhan ge....... You told that we will go outside for dinner shall we go than now.. He asked him while diverting zhan on him....

Humm...... Zhan nodes his head with agreement while smiling sweetly looking at yibo....

(It's ture that leaving yibo everyone fears by zhan's cold look he may be and breathtakingly handsom person in there whole office everyone admirer him and drool over him from far but when he comes in front of them with that dark aura on him everyone fears by him miar look so no one try dare to provoke this handsomely dinzorus man they'll maintain safe distance from this personperson.... )

When zhan nodes his head yibo started pull him at outside of office...

Lusi who standing at their took a long breath after zhan went away from there... Oh god I'm safe now.. She murmurs taking another breath...

Time skip...

After finished their dinner date at one of the best restaurant yibo and zhan went back to their home by there car when they came out from car and started to go inside then suddenly zhan got a business call then he stops in track then talk with the person in phone while coming outside at garden...

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