chapter 19 Wang brothers

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Third person pro.

After finishing their dinner wang Yibo bring jian to play room and rest of family members sat into the leaving room started to talk about Yibo marriage.

Haikun can saw that his parents are how excited for this wedding he also happy knowing that his little brother going marry someone and will start a new a life very soon but still he can't able register the truth by knowing his little brother accepted for this marriage with zhan it's not like that he hates zhan or he had any problems with his family as much as he knows zhan is perfect guy but don't want rush into this matter because Marriage is not a simple things it's most important decisions about person that we are going leave for life long and the person became our better half how can we rush while choosing a important person in our life.

So, he wants know about Yibo feeling and decision by himself directly Yeah Yibo himself already told him that he likes zhan and he is very happy for this arrange marriage but still again he wants to hear it from Yibo he wants to talk with his little brother about this marriage face to face he wants know wether he accepted this marriage for his parents happyness or because he betrothed with zhan in his childhood and he wants to carry on the last wish of his and Zhan's grandfather's...

Anything it may be if like that happened if really Yibo really actually accepted because of this stupid reason he will definitely not allow this marriage he don't want ruin his brother happyness and bright future because of this stupid marriage things he will took his brother with him back to New York and he never send him back here and his parents also not going stops him anymore.

Haikun was thinking so deeply then called her son by his name....

Haikun....... Haikun........ Are you okay baby.... By saying Carmen went near to her son sat beside him.

Then, haikun snapped out from his deep thoughts and looked at his mother.

Huh.......... Yeah mom I'm okay....

What okay haikun I'm watching you from beginning when you came here in china you looking so half today you not even talk with us properly from when you came here.... I thought you will wish me first in airport but didn't and in car also you didn't talk much I thought you are tired after reaching home also you didn't talk much with anyone are you really okay my son is you feeling any sick Qerin asked him with worried face.

No......... Dad..... Mom ...... I'm absolutely fine actually today we did long journey because of jetlag I'm feeling little tired my head also little bit paining..... But you guys don't worry when I take rest for some time I'll be okay....

What you got headache oh.... God.. why don't you say before Carmen said and started to touch on his forehead to see any temperature is there but it was normal then she takes a relief sign.....

Then, shall I give head massage for you haikun .... Carmen asked him again.

No............... Mom I'm really fine you don't worry if I take rest it will be okay humm ....... Haikun said holding his mother palm...

Humm....... Okay.. then you go to your room take rest Carmen said while moving her fingers in his hair.

Yeah........... Where is Yibo and jian.... Haikun asked them again.

Maybe he still in playroom with jian this kid never change I don't know when he will become big and mature like his brother.... Qerin said.

Yeah............ Indeed he became 20 already still behave like a 5 years kid.. Carmen replied while chuckling lightly..

It's okay let him be when will the time comes he will understand by himself.. Haikun said.

Singh.......... Yeah.. you are right but when the time will come we don't know..... Carmen said.

In three days he will going to marry zhan and after marriage I don't know how can zhan manages this kid alone again Qerin said.

Then everyone retired back to their own rooms bai lu went towards play room and saw there Yibo and Jian who are playing with each other happyley forgetting about time.

Yibo......... Jian.... Stop playing come here... She called them.

What are you doing still here do you know how much time was now bai lu said with stern voice.

Lu ji we don't know about time please let us play now.... Yibo asked with puppy eyes.

No more games Yibo and go back to your room now..... She again said in same tone.

By hearing her Yibo puts his lips and returned back to his own room.

Then she brings Jian to their room by pulling his hand.

After retiring their own bed bai lu make jian sleep on bed inbetween her and haikun who is laying there while closing his eyes and she also slept at other corner while patting jian continuously after some time they all drifted into deep slumber.

But haikun wakes from his sleep he thought he should talk now with Yibo about this marriage directly then he left his bed went towards Yibo saw his brother by opening his door little.

Yibo try to sleep now but he didn't gets glimpsm he try to sleep again and again by changing his position on bed repitedly but there is no use so got up leaning on headboard he took his mobile then haikun entered into his room by saying Yibo are you still awake.

Lifting his head Yibo looked at his brother then called him inside.

Then haikun also entered into his room and sat beside his brother.

You didn't not sleep..? Haikun asked while moving his hand on Yibo head

Yeah.......... Gege.... I don't know why but I can't able get glimpsm of sleep. Yibo said with tired eyes

Humm............ murmured...Yibo shall I ask you one thing.. Haikun asked.

Yeah......... Gege.. definitely what is it... Yibo asked him back with questioning gaze.

Long singh......... Yibo are you really happy with this marriage... Haikun asked.

Yes....... Gege..... I'm really very happy and excited for this marriage. I know you worried about me so much but believe me I accepted this marriage with my own will there is no one force me on it and actually I meet zhan ge and his family also they are very good people gege... I don't have any problem with this marriage with zhan ge really trust me... Yibo said while smiling.

After hearing it from Yibo directly Haikun felt much relief now.... While watching his brother he smiled brightly and said I'm very happy for you Yibo..... And then they both hugged each other's.

Hi guys here I updated the next chapter...

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