chapter 21 yibo friends

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Third person pro.

New year special......

Next day as they planed all wang family and xiao family started to get ready for to go changqine city.

Both Wang Yibo and zhan father's with Zuo chang already went to there home town (Chenquin city ) to look after all wedding arrangements in old Xiao mansion .

Old xiao mansion, Chenqien..

Old Xiao mansion in Chenqien is not less then a castle it was bild by zhan's great grandfather from than on it was under Xiao family members

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Old Xiao mansion in Chenqien is not less then a castle it was bild by zhan's great grandfather from than on it was under Xiao family members.

It's Xiao zhan grandfather's wish that his both grandson's marriage should be held in this castle which is belongs to their elders after all it's his birth place and where he grow up spend his lot of precious time in this mansion, even Zuo chang marriage also happened in this mansion.

So, according to Xiao youmen wish both yibo and zhan father's arranged the wedding ceremony here in this mansion.

In wang mansion.

Carmen and bai lu both already packed all luggage that is necessary at there Haikun getting ready for to their long journey to Chenqien.

Then Carmen started to went towards yibo room to both jian and yibo because they both didn't came out from the room maybe they both are still sleeping when she was climbing on stairs then someone called her from her backside from entrance door, not one but like a group of people calling her at same time while calling her as a Carmen aunty.

Then Carmen turned back towards the source of voice then she became surprise and happy by looking all teenagers there who are yibo college friends . Fanxing and jingyi , Seung youn , Nexon and, Monika .

With happy face she went towards them asked about their well being and when they reached here at Beijing city and she asked them that why they didn't informed them before that they are here at Beijing today.

Then Seung youn told her that they wanted to give surprise to them especially for yibo so that's why they didn't informed them before that they are coming here at Beijing from New York City, America.

This time, Monika asked this time about yibo where is yibo she asked Carmen.

Then Carmen informed them that yibo is in his room maybe he still sleeping and didn't wake up from his sleep, and she tell them where is yibo room comes at upstairs while pointing her finger towards upstairs left side.

All yibo friends leaving all there luggage at leaving room near sofa went upstairs towards yibo room while entering in his room they all saw that jian who is sleeping with yibo already wake up from his sleep sitting on bed rubbing on his eyes with his hands making fist with his small hands, and yibo still sleeping like a little pig they all chuckled lightly while looking at sleeping figure.

By looking all of them entering into yibo room bai lu also came there to yibo room then she also saw the both figure who is still sleeping on his bed while shaking her head she went towards them and taking jain in her arms she went out from there leaving yibo all friends there with him.

Then all of them went near to sleeping figure while silently tiptoeing and surrounding him from all over him bending lightly towards sleeping figure they all called him by his name while screaming his name.

Yibo.......................... They all called him at same time in screamed at one time with ears bursting tone.

By hearing a group of people's loud screaming voice at same time yibo wake up from his sleeping opening his eyes with jerk and sat on his bed by covering his ears while taking long breathe that his ears are banging so loudly and he felt like his heart will came out from his chest by that loud noises , then he opening his eyes slowly again lifting his head slightly he looked all the people who are surrounding him fully from all side's and they all laughing at him while clutching there stomach continuously...

At first he was surprised and happy but in few seconds he became red with full of anger while shooting them with his intense stare with out blinking for second he can kill them all by his gaze. they're all stop laughing on him and became tensed and got sweaty all over there body because of fear by watching yibo looks on them.

Then, fanxing scratching on his nape nervously looked at his friend and he try to talk with him in his braking tone .

Yi.....yi.............gulbing a invisible bill he try to talk with his friend while calling his name as Yibo..................

Yibo with full of angry face came out from his bed and staking a pillow on bed he started to hit all his friends with that pillow who is running here and there with full fear to get beaten by him while screaming continuously by saying sorry yibo........ Sorry....... No....... Don't hit... Me don't......... Making all rome into messy like garbage.

And yibo also no less than them he was in so much anger he started shout on them while saying you idiots how dare you scream like that to my ears when I was sleeping you all disturbed my sleep by your screams now ears are banging and paining like hell you stupid idiots saying he started to hit them more again and again while running after them all over the room.

In few minutes the pillow which is in yibo hands was torn the kapok (cotton) in pillow came out and scattered all over the room turning all room into mess like garbage.

Carmen, haikun and bai lu can hear all screaming sounds that are coming from yibo but there care less about it while shaking their heads they just continued their work what they are doing. Because it's not new for them whenever yibo friends came to their home it's normal for them hear this kind of screams from yibo room whenever they all get together at one place they all shouts on each other and behaves like a small 5 years old kids and always fighting with each other like tom and Jerry.

After beating all of them for some time yibo got exhausted throwing the half filled pillow aside he sat on bed again while talking a short breath continuously.

Hi guys, sorry for late update now a days i became very busy with my new job and i rarely get any free time for my self. Because of that i can't able to update any of story frequently but don't worry I'll try my best to give you updates of my stories.

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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Totally 1153 words........

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