chapter 41 you can

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Third person pro.

Looking at yibo one more time he turned back again towards Yixuan and Darren continue your work saying he went out from there.

All staff members didn't understand anything at here they all surprised by zhan presence at here 1st time because zhan never came like this to after the work it was Darren always manage everything at here and if zhan wants to know anything he will send xuan as volunteer but he himself came here look at the work here it's really surprised everyone other than yang yang and yibo..

Then taking sigh.. Look back the staff and models then he told them that is mid afternoon so, they can had their lunch and take some rest now the second section with start after two hours..

And all staff members started leave from there one by one leaving Darren, yang yang, and yibo. Then looking at them first change your clothes then you may go he said.

Nodding there heads both yang yang and yibo started to go towards their changing rooms but before that darren stops him by calling his name.

Yibo also stops there looking back at darren he asked...what darren ge ge....

Umm..... Would you like to join at lunch with me now... He asked him with hopefull eyes.

Yibo become little bit surprised he don't know what could he say he is feeling so hesitate to reply anything, before he could say anything darren cut him..

Please....... Yibo don't say no.... Please.. He again request him.

With no option yibo just node his head with agreement.

Thank you so much yibo..... He said holding his hand.

Yibo smiles by watching him being excited okay I'll come back by changing saying yibo went inside the dressing room.

Other side zhan who went back to his cabin again have like pissed off look all over his face.

Other side xuan who is enjoying very much looking at his friend frowning face he laughed inside thinking humm i take right decision by selecting yibo as their new model... Again looking at zhan..umm zhan I'll see now how long you are going to deny your feelings for yibo... He thought and smirks lightly...

Zhan who is sitting on his chair with frown he just really want to punch that darren on his face at now but why he was upset on which topic he himself don't know about it...

Why did he keep silent at that... He murmured...

What......? Xuan asked him.

Why did he put his hand on his shoulder.. Zhan said with frustrated voice.

Huh...... Who....?? Whose hand and whom shoulder.....??? Xuan asked him again like dumb but clearly knows what his friend was talking at now...

With frustrated sigh... He again got up from his place then sending xuan out of the cabin he went towards window and stand there looking at outside then his eyes lands on the particular person....

Yibo....... He murmured looking at him then he saw darren who is standing next to him he became more annoyed by watching them together he hit on the side walk with his fist with full of angry..
he don't know why but he don't know why but he don't like the view in front of him he just hate it when he saw darren next to yibo...

Again taking frustrated sigh... He went at his table then sat on his chair then taking the file in front of him he started to turn the papers like full harsh like he wants tear the innocent paper brutally into pieces...

After that incident zhan was not in his right of mind the total day he has like pissed off face on him he frowing continuously with no reason other xuan just enjoying these all things like he is watching a interesting drama in front of him he is just watching his friend getting
jealousy at first time for something he feels so happy by this kind of reaction on his friend he never saw zhan getting jealous for anything up to now not even for ziyi also...

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