chapter 20 brothers love and affection

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After hearing it from Yibo directly Haikun felt much relief now.... While watching his brother he smiled brightly and said I'm very happy for you Yibo..... And then they both hugged each other's.

Then, how about zhan I mean did you talk with him what did he said about you ?? Haikun asked again about zhan.

Yeah.......... I mean I meet him at once when our parents for us meeting.. you know actually the first time we met each other is not in restaurant where parents booked table for us actually we meet in park... Yibo said

What? Haikun asked..

Yes....... Actually what happened that is.... He started to explain their first meeting in park.

( If you guys don't get about which incident I'm talking about please read chapter 7 became father unexpectedly)

He said how he thought him as a careless father without watching his baby he is busy in mobile.... And how that person came accuse them and tell them hopeless parents unexpectedly they both became partner and also all parents of the baby..... Actually gege the situation was very hilarious and if you watch zhan ge face you will definitely laugh by holding your stomach he looks very funny when he frown it was most funny moments happened in my life when ever me or zhan ge started to say anything he started to shout on us with out giving little break for us to say anything the person he is really weird.... Yibo said while laughing continuously.

Hahaha......... Haikun also started laugh while hearing all this what happened in park with both of them.

Then what happened after that again haikun asked him.

After that zhan ge went from there and I also went inside the restaurant after watching zhan ge there I became surprise and he also not less than me by looking his face it was easy to estimate that he also shock as I was.

Then we order food and talk about so many things like I talked there most zhan just node his head while saying mm..... Yeah.... Okay.... Yes..... I think zhan ge is little shy type person he don't like much with others but he was happy at that time and when I started to talk about the incident which happened in park he also started laugh loudly you gege whenever zhan ge smile he looks so cute I know zhan ge most of time keep cold face actually he keeps that cold face he looks more handsome and when he started laughing while showing his bunny teath he looks so cute like real bunny.... Yibo said.

Humm.... that means our baby brother already fall for his zhan ge head over hills.... Haikun asked while smirking.

Aish............ Gege..... Please don't teas me.... Yibo said while hitting lightly on his shoulder with his first.

Okay........ Okay....... I don't teas you than what happened did he tell you that he also likes you as you are.... Haikun asked.

No..... Gege we don't tell to eachother about our feeling I mean it's true I like zhan ge I'm happy with this marriage also but I can't able tell this infront of him at that time I was hesitant to say anything about these matter but after coming back to home I tell my decision to mom and dad you know how happy they're two days before yu mom came here then she told zhan ge also accept for this marriage and he also happy with this.... Gege I can't explain in words after knowing zhan ge's opinion I'm very happy gege now I'm going get marry him and he will become my life partner .... Yibo said while smiling.

Humm......... Haikun murmured while noding he had a smile on his face he thought that his little brother talking so maturely....

Wait a minute saying Yibo get down from bed went towards cupboard he took something from there come towards his brother again sat on bed ..

Gege......... Show me your hand... He said

As he asked haikun also bring his hand forward shows his hand then Yibo tied a yellow thread on his wrist..
By watching this Haikun smiled brightly it's not a first time that Yibo tied it for him and he knows very well what it's was....

Then, haikun looked at his brother asked him why did he tied rakhi now and today is not even raksha bandhan.

Actually gege....... In two days I'm going marry zhan gege after that you will go back to New York and I'll stay here with zhan ge, I don't know at that time can we able to meet each other or not and if you get forget in your work, so I tied it now..... Yibo said in low voice.

Then, suddenly Haikun take him in his emberence hugging him tightly.
My stupid didi how did you think you I'll forget about you your my precious baby brother, I'll never forget about my promise for you I'll come to you whenever you needs me. Haikun said while crying silently. Yibo also got tears in his eyes.

After some time they broke there hug looked each other smiling.

Do you remember gege when I tied this thread you first time.... Yibo asked

Yeah....... I remember 3 years back when you started your college and Monika became your friend she told about this raksha bandhan day that day argued with her why only sister can tie this not brothers.

She try convince you while saying it's a popular, traditionally of Hindus festival, On this day, sisters of all ages tie a talisman, or amulet, called the Rakhi, around the wrists of their brothers, symbolically protecting them, receiving a gift in return, and traditionally investing the brothers with a share of the responsibility of their potential care.

Then you told her that my brother also take care of me and protects me at any situation so you want to tie this on my hand..... Haikun said...

Humm...... Yibo just nooded his head while smiling cutely....

Then they both hugged each other for some time haikun started to move his hand on his hair with full of affection come let sleep now it's already late... Haikun murmured.

Then Yibo laid down keeps his head on his brother lap then someone came inside the room while pushing the door open both Wang brothers looked towards the person who is standing on door...

Jian........ Haikun called his son.

Daddy..... Why did you came here leaving me .. he asked

Why your mom was there with you then why you came here...

Mama is sleeping peacefully and I came here while surching you I can't get sleep there he hoped on bed layed beside Yibo keeping his head on his father lap....

And I want to sleep with bobo uncle he said while holding Yibo with his small hands.

Ow..... okay..... Gege let him sleep here with me.yibo also told him

Long singh..... Okay.. murmured haikun then he started pat on them

Dad I can't get sleep please can you sign me a song... Jian asked

Yibo chutkule little by hearing it.

Again taking a long singh haikun started to sing a Lullaby song for them after some time they both drifted into deep slumber then removing their heads from his lap he kept a soft pillow under them and went out from the room by glancing one more time while smiling he went back to his room then he saw his wife awake..

Jian....... She asked

He is in Yibo... He replied

Singh...... Then, Okay did you talk with him she asked

Humm...... Haikun murmured while smiling

She understood everything by watching her husband smile.

Come let's sleep it's already late now she said then they both lay down on bed after some time slept in each other emberence...

Hi guys here I updated the next chapter ....

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