chapter 26 wedding.

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Third person pro.

After exchanging there engagement rings everyone started to wish zhan and yibo and all are enjoying the party.

Yibo wants to stay with zhan but his friends pulled him to other side.

Then they started to chitchat with one another asking yibo different questions yibo also enjoying his time with his friends while laughing joking with each other, zhoxuan also with then by teasing yibo again with everyone.

All parents are busy with guests chang ziyi in there own world and haikun and bai lu running after Jian who is playing with his parents while doing naughty things.

Jili and yubin is having drinking compitation with each other.

No, one observe the zhan who standing a side having a fake smile on his face like statue xuan only the Observing him he can clearly see the pain in his eyes then he turned eyes towards their families and then towards yibo who is having sweet and pure smile on his face he clearly see the happiness and excitement his face for his wedding.

All his friends teasing him about his marriage and he became shy by there words he wants to go towards zhan but his friends stopping him to go there by teasing why so rush are already missing your fiance..

After all they'll going to marry tomorrow after that zhan will become your husband then life long you will stay with him . Seung youn said

After marriage you will forget about us jingyi said.

And everyone node there heads.

No guys, how can i forget about you all you are all my best friends I'll never forget about you guys. Yibo replied them in emotional tone.

Oww..... My baby don't be sad they are just teasing you I know how much you think about us you don't need to get emotional after all we are all are friends I'm a right guys monika asked.

Yes, everyone replied her while agreeing her words. And they all gave big grup hug to yibo.

Xuan was watching all this happening in front of him somewhere he have doubt that whatever he doing is it right or wrong after watching yibo pure smile but he can't tell it openly to him about zhan complex and terminal feeling thats going inside of his friend brain he is still not ready to accept this innocent soul, he was worried about zhan and yibo future if not now after marriage eventually yibo will gets to know that zhan don't love him what will be his reaction what kind of results show's at their marriage life will yibo leave zhan or not...

Oh... God zhan what is this all sigh... Definitely I'll become boldhead very soon because of this stress. Zhan still how much stress you will give me idiot can't you understand the simple things also when did you became like this he thought while taking long sigh....

Then he go towards yibo where he still he fighting with his stupid friends to leave him.

Clearing his tone hi guys what are you doing here... He asked them.

Nothing xuan ge... We just playing with yibo ge zhoxuan replied him.

Taking a sigh... He turned towards yibo..
Yibo i think zhan want talk with you now. While looking towards zhan who is sitting alone on sofa gulping wine in the glass.

Yibo also watch it then he turned to xuan nodding his head okay ge I'll go there saying he started to move towards their.

Ohoooo....... All his friends started to make noice by watching him.

Stop teasing him guys.... Xuan told them then yibo also went from there while smiling lightly...

Yibo sat next to zhan who is busy in gulping the wine in glasses in front of him.

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