chapter 55 honeymoon

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Third person pro...

Three days after.....

Yibo...... Yibo....... Yibo get up..... Zhan trying to wake up yibo continuously....

What zhan ge....... Yibo mumbles in sleepy tone.......

What yibo....... It's alredy 6.00 am in the morning today we have to move for greenland did you forgot or don't you want to go greenland for our honeymoon.... Zhan asked him with sigh..

Yes, I want to go......... Yibo got up from his sleep with jerk while shouting I want to go word..... His total sleepiness all gone from his eyes after hearing honeymoon word....

Zhan just chuckle little by watching yibo childish behavior....

Come get up now and get ready fast one hour we have to go for airport..... Zhan said while shaking his head.....

Then yibo turned at zhan and look at him....

You already got ready zhan ge..... He asked with pouty lips on him...

Umm....... Yes, I already get ready for our journey..... because I'm not sleepyhead like you.. Zhan replied slightly shaping over his head.... Now go get ready fast saying he pulled him out from bed and showed him into the bathroom....

(Author: hey zhan you evil man don't lie in front of my baby and when did you sleep last night humm... )

Yes, zhan is so excited for his honeymoon with yibo that he didn't not sleep properly, last day whole night, and got up very early and get ready for his journey he wants to wake up yibo very earlier than this but he stop himself by watching yibo sleeping face he doesn't wants to disturbed his beauty sleep he loves watching yibo when he was sleeping because he looks really beautiful in his sleep and sometimes he will stole kisses from sleeping person without his knowledge.....

After sometime the luggage was placed into the car, zhan and yibo started to move from there bidding bye to mrs. Han when both of then in car going towards the airport then zhan phone started to ring continuously it's his mother, mom zhan murmurs looking at his phone screen....

Before zhan could pic up the call and answer her, yibo took phone from his hand and started to talk with 'yu'

Phone conversation..

Yu'..... Hello zhan....

Yibo..... Mama not zhan ge it's me yibo... he answered her in with excitement voice..

Yu...... Oww, my baby looks like so excited for his honeymoon yu asked him in teasing tone...

He just smiles shyly without answering her....

Yu......... It's okay I know your getting embarrassed by words, I don't tease you anymore...... Okay... Are you guys already move for airport she asked again..

Yibo......hmm..... Only humm sounds came from him..

Yu......... Okay...... Okay...... I don't disturb you anymore just take care both of you and happy journey.... Give phone to zhan she told in end...

Yibo..... Hmm.... Mumbled and gave phone to zhan...

Zhan...... Hello mom.....

Yu...... Take care of him...

Zhan.....umm mumbled..

Yu........ and drink too much at there...

Zhan........ Humm....... Again..

Yu..... okay bye.... Saying she cut the call...

Phone conversation end....

With sigh.... Zhan also put back his phone in his pocket....

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