chapter 66 saving zhan

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Third person pro..

Jin mansion..

Jin zixuan tiredly sitting over chair without moving he is still in a deep thoughts from two he was tide over the chair sitting at in same position from these two he didn't even have his meal properly yesterday at afternoon only one time meng yao feed him little food to him other than that nothing else he is feeling so tired and his health condition also becoming worse he don't know what even he can do at now his total body feeling so numb while sitting at the same position even his tears also stop long ago he already lost two important members in his life now he was going to loose his son also but he his here like this in helpless condition he wants to save his son but how then he slowly lifting his eyes he looked at the wallclock it's already 6.00 in the evening today will the final concert and it's already started at now and today his son will attend their to present award to final winner and today is the day meng yao going to kill his zhan, unknown to him tears role over his eyes he felt so much pain in heart he feeling so divestated at this moment .

If I can't able to save my son i can't forgive my son i can't bare this pain anymore loosing my last hope in my life I have to save him.... He mumble with determination and looked here and there all over the room then finally his eyes lands on a piece of glass which is broken wine bottle, at the corner of the room.

With so much difficulty he moved towards the glass pieces which shattered over the floor at the corner dragging the wooden chair with himself then he try to reach it, but it's difficult for him while sitting on chair with much difficulty he try to...

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With so much difficulty he moved towards the glass pieces which shattered over the floor at the corner dragging the wooden chair with himself then he try to reach it, but it's difficult for him while sitting on chair with much difficulty he try to bend towards it then losing his balance he lands over the floor with chair after so much struggling he finally got the piece of broken glass in his hand and try to cut the rope ob his hand after trying for more than 15 minutes again again he finally able to cute thr rope over his right hand in proses of cutting the rope he also got cut on his wrist and palm the blood is oozing out from his hands but he did care less about it his only thought in his mind whatever it maybe but he have save his son at any cost that's all final with great struggle after zixuan able to open all ropes over him then he got up from his place managing himself with his nomb legs he try to open the door but it was locked by out side so, leaving it he looked all over his room to search for way to go outside then he thought something, final tying all curtain over the window with help of then went down from window at mansion backside then without knowing anyone he run out from mansion with backyard small gate...

Zixuan was running from there at empty roads he can't go front side of mansion to take his car because a yao men will there so he run out even he doesn't have that much energy in his body he doesn't care about him anymore but suddenly in middle of the road he started to feel saviour pain in his stomach making him unable to walk anymore but still he try to manage himself but suddenly one more time he stopped at middle of empty road clutching over his stomach tightly then started to cough furiously then puke out lots of blood over the black road...

When he saw the blood he became more shocked....

Please God give me strength to save my son give me a chance to correct my mistakes.... Zixuan begged while more tears coming out from his eyes..

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