chapter 8 meeting

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Xiao zhan pro.

After Xuan pressure me to meet Yibo in xx restaurant with out any option I went out of my office and drove the car by giving life to it, towards the restaurant where Xuan told me to meet Yibo, after driving for twenty minutes I reached the exact location. Parking the car near the restaurant I looked towards the restaurant where I has to meet him.

But I'm not ready for it I just look at my wrist watch it's only 5.30 pm still I have half an hour to meet him so, I turned to other side while watch the sarounding of the restaurant then my eyes land on the children park wich is located right corner of the area.

Taking a long singh ...... I went towards the park to relax my self from this tension, and sat on the bench wich is located under tree I'm just thinking deeply about privious incidents that happened in my life.

Still I can't able to forget about Ziyi still I love her but I can't hurt my brother and she is not mine now she already married to my brother.

After their marriage they became more lovely dovely in front of everyone I can't able to face that anymore so I just came out of from our house and started to leave in my own mansion wich I build it by thinking after marriage I will come and leave with Ziyi hear and we can a happy life with our children in future but all my wish dreems scattered by one incident my life all destroyed.

From then onwards I started to leave hear alone and I don't want to go back to my home I can't able to face Chang if I go there I can't control my self by watching Ziyi with Chang if I take any wrong step because of my jellusy.

No......... No........ I can't hurt my brother he will think I'm a back stabber to him I don't want disturbed their peaceful life.

While I'm thinking deeply about all this. Then cry pulled me out of train of thoughts.

U turn towards the source of voice it's a baby in stroller wich is placed beside the bench where I sat.

who's baby it was ? I thought, then l lifted my eyes and saw a beautiful guy sitting on the next bench where I sat,

what kind of person he was is that the phone is important for him more than his child how can he sat there like that without caring about his kid, how pethetic i thought.

Then i turn back to other side and taking my mobile and started check the emails.

But the cry of the baby is still not stop. I got irritated what the hell man... While thinking I want shout the man who is sitting beside me but before I could Uttar a word another man came infront of use and started to shouting.

what kind of parents you are, don't you see that your baby is crying and you both are busy with your fucking mobile he said loudly.

I was in full of astongused I didn't get to whom he was shouting on.. then I looked at the side person who is standing next to me and he also look me with confused gaze. Then, we both turned back to the person who was shouting on us.

I know all couple have some differences between them and queries will happen some time between couple, but it's not the way to show your anger by ignoring the baby like this with out caring about his cries. He again shouts on us.

What nonsense he was spotting when we became couple oh god what the hell was that....... I thought.

Then, I Taking frustrated Singh.... I shouts back on him while saying I'm not a father of that baby and still I'm a bachelor.

And the other person also said he also unmarried and don't know who's child was that baby in stroller.

While I was in fully anoyed by frent person. And looking him frown on my face.

Then, a lady came saying sorry, that the baby is her son and she took the baby stroller in her hands and went from there while moving it .

I looked at the lady again back to the man but before I could say anything he ran away from there.

Then, we both sat on our place while taking frustrated Singh........

Then, I looked my watch it's already 6.15 pm may be he already came in restaurant I should not be late while thinking I went into the restaurant then a attender came to me I asked him the reserved table by Xiao zhan name.

Sir please, fallow me saying he bring me to a private room and said this is your reserved table.

Anything else you want sir he asked me I said no thanks I will order after some time you may go now and he went out from there.

Where he was why still he did not came I was thinking then some one knocked on glass door, then, the same attender came with another person sir, your guest he said then I saw the back person and shock...

But I don't show it I think he also shocked by watching me , then order some dishes for our dinner taking note the server went out.

Third person pro.

Then, he turned towards the person who was sitting infront of him, and looking him with confused face.

Your.......... Yibo he asked him.

While noding his head he said yes, and you're zhan ge..... He asked back.

Zhan also said that he is his zhan ge. Then, both are smiled by watching each other and it's turned into laughter they both are laughing while imaging the previous incident.

How the man shouts on them how they thought about one another. He said we are couple's zhan said while laughing and it's true... Knowingly or unknowingly we became couple in our childhood Yibo said while chuckling.

Then, zhan became silent he just smiled nurvesely.

Then, again Yibo continued by asking to tell about himself.

Zhan just look at him with out any expression you already know about me Yibo I think our mothers already told about me to you...

Yeah......... But I just want lestin it from you... Yibo said.

Hear you go my next update read and enjoy it.

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