chapter 56 lusi idea

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Third person pro...

Next day morning.....

Zhan was the first one who woke up from his sleep and he saw yibo who is sleeping peacefully he looks really cute in his sleep that zhan can't avoid avoid eye contact from him.....

Watching sleeping yibo like that for sometime zhan get out from bed and went into bathroom to get fresh up then he went into the kitchen after getting ready he the prepared breakfast for them before yibo could wake up...

When zhan almost done with preparing breakfast and started to place them on small dinning table yibo also came at their saw his husband who is busy in placing in seperate bowl from pan zhan still didn't observe yibo presence who is watching at him from backside...

Yibo silently went towards him taking small steps preventing him making any noise then he slowly hugged him from backside encircled his hands over his waist placing his head over his back good morning zhan ge... He murmurs...

Zhan also smiles when he felt yibo hands over him then he slowly turned towards him good morning baby... He whispered while holding him in his arms then he gave light kiss over his lips... Yibo smiles back when zhan kissed over his lips then he put his hands over his neck and asked him to kiss one more time....

Zhan also granted his wish while kissing over his lips again....

One more.... He again asked him to kiss him...

Light kiss..... Zhan again kissed over his lips for third time....

What happened to my baby today he asking for kisses when did my baby become this much demanding humm... Zhan asked looking at his face..

Smiling shyly yibo look back to zhan eyes what can i do zhan ge whenever you kiss me it's felt so... sweet for me, so i thought I wants more of them, I like when zhan ge kiss me...... Yibo told in whispering tone....

Oh... Really........ Did my kisses taste that sweet for you zhan asked while moving his thumb over him lower lips...

Yibo just nodes his head as replay..

Then without thinking for second zhan crash his lips over him after kissing each other more than 6 minutes they both finally broke their kiss while panting continuously after that they both have their breakfast while enjoying in one other company...

Then getting ready wearing there sweaters both of them went out side hand in hand while rome around some other places at their...

Like this they both enjoyed with each other presence at greenland on there honeymoon.....

Two days after both zhan and yibo return back to china even after coming back to China zhan never left yibo alone at home and go for office he always stay in home with yibo and do his work from home if there is any important meeting or conference are there then he will tell his mother to come or he himself drop him over there (wang) mansion with their families he don't want to take even small risk leaving yibo alone at their mansion thinking he may gets triggered by trauma.....

After few days yibo himself told zhan that he wants to come back to company and will work there as a model as before at first zhan was worried but yibo assure him that he is okay if any case if he feels any uncomfortable at their he will inform him beforehand....

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