chapter 36 untold truth

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Third person pro.

At early morning at 4.00am jiyang wake up from his deep sleep opening his the first person he saw was his husband.

Then he saw zhan who came inside the room reports file in his hands.

Xuan helped jiyang to sit properly then jiyang asked about his baby then they both moved aside show him there baby who is still sleeping Peacefully in baby cart and then his eyes lands on yibo who is sitting next to there baby leaning his head over wall his eyes are closed.

Jiyang look towards xuan with questioning gaze.

Then xuan explain that yibo was garding there baby all over the night saying that if any case baby woke up at middle of the night he will take care of her, even he didn't allow zhan to tuch the baby..

Jiyang chuckled by hearing it shaking his head he look again at yibo so innocent like baby he thought..

Then xuan gave the baby to jiyang who is bussy in playing with herself. Jiyang got tears after watching there baby.

At the mean time yibo as woke up from his sleep came towards jiyang then they'll talked with each other more like 1 hour.

Xuan told them to go back to house it's okay lily and aunt mei (lily mother) also coming here in one hour you both go back to home then looking at yibo who looking so much tired he turned back and tell yibo didn't not sleep whole night and you also have important meeting afternoon so you both need some rest. he said them.

Then zhan look towards yibo who is really looking so tired taking sigh... Zhan node his head thinking they can't stay here like this specially yibo he can't roam around the hospital in those clothes all day so, taking yibo with him they both went back to the mension.

When they were going back to their home yibo did not say single word nor zhan also but when he observe yibo face who is having pout on his face, he was tired but still he is not ready to go back to home he wants to stay there with jiyang and the baby but zhan forced him to come home with him now.

Unknowingly when he watched the pouty lips on yibo face he licked his own lips.. Coming back to reality he again he turn back to the road speed the car.

Two months later..

Jiyang gege I'm back saying yibo run inside the xuan's apartment it's became habit to yibo go xuan house at least twice a week to spend his time with jenny (xuan and jiyang baby) it's became two months for jenny birth in these two months yibo became so close to jiyang and jenny not only with jiyang but he also become close to xuan also.

And with zhan also there relationship also started to develop little by little not as a life partner but as a good friend.

At first zhan try to avoid yibo very much but time goes on he started to understand him he started to like him because of his innocence and kind nature there marriage happened to more than three months now but zhan never try to say the truth to him he didn't dare to say it. somewhere he feel guilty for cheating yibo like this without saying truth about his feeling but he can't do anything in it.

In these three months zhan started behave strange some times he will talk with yibo taking care of him like they know each other from years and they both are very close to one another but very next minute he will started to avoid him like he is non existent there in front of him but still yibo never lose hope he try to do whatever he can to gain zhan love for him in those months yibo also started to cook for zhan sometimes not all dish but still few simple and easy dishes he learned cooking from mrs. Han and also with his mother in law mrs Xiao yu also teach him some dishes which also favorite for zhan.

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