chapter 14 guests in Wang mansion

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See zhan it's no use to all those things now please stop thinking negative if you behave like this you will hurt your all family .

What ever happened in past it's nothing do with Yibo he inocent he don't know anything that happened with you so don't punish him without any reason see zhan Yibo accepted for this marriage with You and he likes you so much now , I know this decision taken by your parents without your consent and I know that still you can't forget about Ziyi also but don't forget this Ziyi is not your anymore because of your feelings for Ziyi you don't hurt Yibo, for this.

Zhan what Ziyi did is unintentional she doesn't know about your love for her so, with out knowing she hurt you indirectly but now the situation is different Yibo likes you and you also know that by knowing this if you reject him or do any stupid things don't hurt him Ziyi is your past but Yibo is your future because of you sad past don't spoil your bright future. I'm sure Yibo and you both perfect for each other. So, don't think anything more.

Come on get ready for office we have to go now it's already late today you have important meeting. Xuan said

Noding his head........hmm zhan just replied him with hmm

Then, they both went their rooms got changed their clothes in formal then came down again into leaving room and went for office.

Other side Yibo is very happy and he feels existing for his marriage. He was talking with his brother haikun in phone Then, Carmen came out of kitchen while bringing coffee for them.

Yibo take this saying she gave one cup to Yibo and she took another one sat beside him Qerin went for Xiao mansion to talk with fengmin.

When, mother and son was enjoying their coffee while talking with each other. Then, some one came into their mansion.

Hi.............. Every one.... The person called while entering inside the house.

By hearing that both looked towards the source of voice and after watching that Caramen have broad smile on her face while watching that person.

Yu............... She called while keeping the coffee cup aside she got up from her seat went towards her.

Oh dear, when did you come she asked her

Just now....... Yu replied they both hug each other.

Breaking the hug , she looked toward Yibo who Is standing little further than them by watching them while smiling , I came here to meet my future son in law....... She said looking Yibo.

She went towards Yibo........ Oh my baby saying she kissed on his templates and hug him.

Other, said Carmen by watching them, she just shake her head while smiling then, someone else also entered inside the house.

Hello guys........ We are also present here saying three more people entered inside the home.

Then again the three members turned towards main door and saw three figures standing there.

Hi auntie.............. Saying a teenage girl came to Carmen did you recognise me she asked her.

Chen zhoxuan................ Carmen said pointing her to that girl.

( Chen zhoxuan is cousin sister of Xiao zhan and Chang she is now 17 years old she is younger than Yibo)

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( Chen zhoxuan is cousin sister of Xiao zhan and Chang she is now 17 years old she is younger than Yibo)

Yes, aunty you are right..... She replied her.

Oh ............. My goodness...Chen zhoxuan, My noughty baby.... Have grown into beautiful girl saying she hug her....

Yes, aunty Carmen she also replied while hugging back her. Then, they both break their hug then Ziyi came infront of Carmen wish her saying hello........

You are Meng Ziyi I'm a right she asked her.

Yes, aunty you don't came to our marriage so don't know about me .... She said while pout on her lips.

Oh............ Sorry dear I can't came that time to attend your marriage because I got fever then yibo also have uncertainty exam at that so we both can't came to your marriage, but don't worry now we came back here we can get along with each other nicely... Carmen said while side hugging her.

Yeah.......... I want to see my brother in law first..... Saying Chen zhoxuan run to yibo.

Oh.......... You are the yibo our brother in law and our Zhan ge future wife/ husband...... Zhoxuan said while looking at yibo.

Yes......... Yibo replied while nodding his head and look down shyly.........

Oh ............ Wow so cute yibo Gege your so ......... Beautiful now I'm jellus about Zhan gege he got this cutie pie as his life partner.

Yibo I can give you one suggestion..... Leave zhan ge and we can marry each other okay come on let's run away from hear she said in playful voice.

Everyone looked her at with surprised face......

You naughty girl what nonsense you are spotting to your brother in law. Xiao yu said while catching her ear with her fingers and turned it lightly.

Ah ....... Ah....... Aunty please leave me ahh...... Aunty.. I'm sorry I'm just joking with Yibo gege........ Zhoxuan shouts in pain.

Then, yu also left her ear said tell sorry to Yibo.......

With pouting lips zhoxuan turns to Yibo..... Sorry Yibo gege and you don't need to leave zhan ge because of me she said to him.

Yibo just smiled by nodding his head it's okay meimei don't need say sorry he said with sweet voice......

Oh........... Thank God you forgive me Yibo gege other wise this old woman is going to kill me..... She said while showing her finger to Xiao yu.

What did you say I'm old woman haan
you brat come here I'll kill you now.. yu shouts on her and started run after zhoxuan to beat her.

Zhoxuan also run away from her aunty to save her life..

Carmen aunty save me please otherwise yu aunty is going to kill me saying she run towards Carmen and hid behind her to save herself.

Yu also didn't stop she also run after zhoxuan to catch that little girl........

I don't think mom can behave like this as teenage girl....... Ziyi said while laughing...

Indeed our still didn't change anything she always like that from childhood is may be became 46 now but still she behaves like a teenage girl. Carmen said while shaking her head.

Everyone in that home laughing while watching the sean infront of them.

Then, in few minutes yu also got zhoxuan in her hands you naughty girl how dare you to say me old woman...... Yu said while rising her hand little.....

Sorry....... Aunty ...... Sorry....... Please zhoxuan requested her.

Then, watching her cuteness yu smiled on her and give light slap on her cheeks..... Saying stupid girl...

Zhoxuan also chuckled lightly by watching aunty yu reaction and they both hug each other.

Xiao yu gave kiss on her hair saying my naughty baby girl ..........

Then, they both smiled by watching each other .....

Hear you go my next chapter updated please check it out. Hope you will like it.

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