chapter 10 acceptance

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Third person pro.

Carmen looked towards her son Yibo what is opinion about zhan Yibo..... Are okay with this marriage.... She asked him.

Yibo removed his hands from her and looked down shyly while noding his head he said I'm ready for this marriage....

What really...... Oh my god...... Dear did you listen it Yibo accepted for this marriage ......Carmen said full of excitement.

Then, Yibo father got up from bed went towards his wife and son sat next to Yibo....... Keeping his hand on his shoulder .... Really Yibo you accepted for this marriage you don't have any problem with it....? Yibo father Mr. Qerin asked him again...

Before Yibo could reply him his mother started shout on her husband saying what nonsense you are talking dear what problem will he have with zhan can't you see yibo is happy for his marriage with zhan I think he already likes him and zhan also very good boy from his childhood and he is right person for our Yibo she said while staring on him.

Ohoo........ I know that dear I just asking him simply like that to know his answer...... And you always redy to shouts on me with out giving chance to talk others....... Why you always became like a pressure cooker for simple things...... Qerin Said...

What......... You said I'm behaving like pressure cooker for you haan.. Caramen said to her husband in loud voice...

By lestining their parents bickering Yibo banged his head with his palm, mom dad stop it now I want to talk to you both something about my future but you always busy with your arguments like small kids.... If you do this anymore I'll go from here with out saying anything" Yibo said with screaming voice.

Then, both Wang couple became silent sit there without saying anything like obedient children.....

Then, Yibo looked at his parents while turning his head left and right.... And he laughed on them..... And both Wang couple also join him while three members laughing continuously with out any reason.....

Yibo told okay now I want know about zhan decision now........
Did he said anything about his and your marriage what did he said is he accepted you.........

He don't say anything about it dad but I think zhan ge also likes me........

Wow........ Really Yibo...... Zhan also likes you....... Oh my baby I'm very happy for you..... Carmen said to Yibo.

Dear............ We should not delay anymore just call fengmin gege talk with them about marriage before our get Chang his decision..... Carmen said to Qerin...

Mom........... Yibo said looking to his mother while pout on his lips.

You are right........ I will call now saying Qerin take his mobile and went out from room......

Then, tell me what you both talked with each other....... Carmen asked him.

Then, Yibo started to explain everything that happened between them.

After lestining all this Carmen started to laugh loudly.......

Oh.......... My goodness this happened between you two you both became father's for baby already...... I think that person is very funny...... She told while laughing.....

Poor zhan don't what did he after that incident ....... Hehehe... Again she said.

After talking with his mother for some time Yibo went back to his room and shower he get charged his clothes into night pyjamas then, lay on bed while thinking about zhan..... He closed his eyes and drifted in to deep sleep.

Other side Qerin talking with zhan father fengmin he told Yibo accepted for this marriage and he is very happy with this decision.......

Fengmin also became happy after knowing it he called his wife who is playing music on piano 🎹 he told her Yibo decision..... after hearing it she took the mobile from her husband's hand asked Qerin that is it true.... By herself .........

Yes, it's true........ And he is so happy about his marriage with zhan..... Qerin told her....the both their parents are very happy about their sons.... They all talked with each other by taking mobile from other one for one hour.........

After all they talking about their marriage..... Yibo and zhan parents also went to their own bed and slept peacefully with satisfied smile......

Next day morning after all discussions mrs. Xiao yu called zhan tell him to go late for office today she wants to talk with him something important matter."she told him.

And, she called Haoxuan tell him about Yibo decision and she told him come at the Xiao zhan house at 10.00 am she also going there to talk with zhan.

After some time sh went to Xiao zhan mansion and reached in 45 minutes after entering into his house she saw haoxuan also there with her son zhan sitting on leaving room they both waiting for her.

Then, went towards them sat infront of her son and told that Yibo already accepted for this marriage she came hear to know about zhan decision.....

After hearing this zhan became shock he did not expected this he never thought Yibo could accept him....

Before zhan could say anything haoxuan started to talk in between ...

Zhan my friend I'm very happy about you now my friend is going to start his new life oh....... Thank God I'm very....... Very...... Happy for you zhan he said and hugged his friend.

Then, mrs. Yu also went to zhan and sat beside him I'm also very happy for my son Xuan ...... Yibo is very sweet guy zhan you will be happy with him he always with you life long as a life partner.... She said while hugging her son and gave Kiss on his hair.

Zhan don't think much just accept for this marriage it will be great turning point for your life please do accept it.. haoxuan said

Zhan want to say no but how...... He don't want to disappoint his family and his only friend but he also not happy with this marriage.......

He thought Yibo will reject this marriage but now........ What can he do.......

Zhan you don't know my how much happy we about this marriage and Yibo he is very happy and he wants to marry you as soon as possible his mother told him while tears on her eyes....

Watching the tears on his mother eyes zhan became worried Please don't cry, I'll do as you said mom.... I'll marry Yibo..... Said zhan while wiping his mother eyes.

No.......... Zhan I'm not crying it's my happy tears..... She said again hug her son.

Hear you go my next chapter updated please read and enjoy it.

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