The fallen

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Chapter 3:

Amara Andrea

This wouldn't be the first time I've gone to New York. In fact, I've been there multiple times on different missions or jobs, but I've never stayed for long and certainly never stayed with the Americans.

Up until a year ago we were enemies. The Americans always sought out to kill us as we did with them. It wasn't until one night my brother Amelio, the oldest, was killed. We were on a mission that night, everything was going right and the mission had been a success, but saving him wasn't.

Not a day goes by without remembering him and how much guilt I feel for his death.

Flashback (A year ago)

Amelio Andrea POV

I drove around to the back of the building before jumping out the car with my gear and moved towards the elevator to make my way up to the roof. Reaching the roof top, I quickly moved to the edge of the building and started to set up my M25 sniper riffle before laying down to take cover. I take peek through the lens to see that it's perfectly aligned with the window of the restaurant where Amara is waiting for our target.

I turn my mic on my earpiece. "That dress is too short sorella." I state to Amara on the other side of it.

"Shut up stupido. That's the whole fucking point, just do your job." Through the lens I see her turn towards the window of the restaurant to roll her eyes . She's obviously annoyed by me.

"Whatever, I'm just saying."

Movement on the right corner of my lens caught my eyes. He's here, it's him. "I have a visual, target approaching."

"Confirmed." Amara replies.

"Just get him to his room and near the window." I say to her as I turn my mic off to listen to her conversation.

Father had asked her to join me for this mission as a distraction while I take the shot. She was trained in seduction, so it seemed fair that she would be the one to help me.

Amara Andrea POV

I turn my head to see a fine specimen who was indeed the target. "Confirmed" I reply to Amelio.

"Just get him to his room and near the window." He says then turns his mic off to listen into the conversation.

My target was an assassin who attacked one of my fathers colleges and needed to be eliminated. Just another typical night as an assassin. It was an easy hit and my God is he handsome.

"Good evening beautiful, is this seat taken?" He asks as I glance at him with lust. "No, would you care to join me?" I say batting my eyelashes at him. He offers me a wide smile and takes a seat.

"What is a pretty little girl like you doing at this kind of restaurant in New York?" Mr Handsome asks looking around then signaling for a waiter.

"Whiskey, neat. And for the lovely lady, she will have a glass of Moet champagne." He states whilst staring into my eyes.

"Actually I'll have a whiskey on the rocks." Not breaking eye contact with my target. He seems startled that I spoke against him.

"A whiskey girl huh?", he says trying to study me.

Time to put my seduction skills in place. Lifting my leg, I lightly drag my foot up then down his leg before moving to do the same on the other leg. Moving closer to him, I place my hand against his shoulder then down his arm then up to his neck.

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