Measure Of Time

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Chapter 28:

Avery Lightwood

2 Months Later...

Pregnancy is a fucking bitch. How do you tell unborn babies to stop kicking you. I was in pain and could barely sleep at night. I made Ezra sleep with me at night to massage my back and hold me because I just felt better in his embrace. It felt nice to have him rub my belly while I slept, made me feel more comfortable and not alone. We would wake up in the morning and get ready for work before leaving. I would have worked everyday if it wasn't for Ezra. He was always trying to make me rest but working was the only distraction I had. When I stayed home from work, I would do the laundry, clean the entire house and cook just to keep me busy and I was happy to do it.

I was sitting outside the back reading a book with a Charcuterie board filled with meats, cheese and crackers. The sum beamed on my skin making me glow, I closed my eyes and soaked up the warmth streaming down on me until I heard the front door open and close.

"Avery?" I hear Ezzy's voice from across the house.

"In the backyard" I yell out. It's not even a minuet before I hear his steps growing louder towards me.

"looking good mamma" He says staring at me in my cute little dress I was wearing.

"looking good mamma" He says staring at me in my cute little dress I was wearing

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"you mean looking 6 months pregnant. Ghee thanks" I bark out at him.

"sorry not me--"

"the babies" He says cutting me off. "hmm your already eating. That's a shame I brought you three triple cheeseburgers" My head spins around to turn to him as my eyes light up.

"with chili-cheese fries?" I ask gripping onto my chair. He nods his head. I reach my hands out for the bag grabbing it like a maniac making Ezzy chuckle. "what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" He ask taking a seat next to me as I ate my burger.

"I wanna sleep" I say cheekily. "mmm how about yoga" He suggest. Probably a good idea since I'm eating. I was gonna work the burgers off in the morning too. I was actually pretty small for 6 months with twins and that was thanks to my fit body which was being stretched. Thank god I have Ezzy to rub Bio oil on my belly so I didn't have stretch marks. I nodded my head in agreement to yoga before he went inside to change so I could finish eating.


"Do you feel the burn?" He asks as we go into tree position. "I'm definitely feeling something" Yeah like I'm about to pass out, fuck.

"Babies your making mommy sweaty and gross and tired and big and mommy is kind of over it so please hurry up and come out" I say as we are now doing squats.

"we have been doing this forever, let's finish now" I sit down on the floor to give my legs a break.

"Avery we started two minutes ago" He says still doing squats.

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