Anything For You

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Chapter 9:

Amara Andrea

"What?" my father says in disbelief.

"If I marry Theodore, the Italians and Americans would merge. Angelo you will still have to marry her but she won't inherit the family, only you because Theodore will inherit it" I say to both of them.

"Amore" My father shakes his head in defeat.

"She's right father, we can't give the Mexicans control over our people, if they can't trust us what's gonna make us trust them" Angelo tells my father.

"Gemelo's, I feel like I've failed you" My father says as he brings his head up to look at us.

"It's okay dad, we have to do it for our people" Angelo says as he puts his hand on our father's shoulder.

"We understand" I say putting my hand on his other shoulder.

"You will have to get married to Theodore as soon as you can and we can't let Alberto know until Angelo gets married, that way he can't back out of the alliance" My father tells us as he straightens up. Angelo and I nod in agreement.

"You two go back to the group, I'll talk to Damian about the marriage" He says before turning around to leave as Angelo and I turn to each other.

"We're getting married" Angelo says grabbing my shoulders.

"We're getting married" I repeat after him.

"Are you okay" He asks me,

"This is all my fault, it feels like all everyone is trying to do is keep me safe and i hate that it's putting the ones I love in danger. I'm sorry you have to get married to a stranger to protect me" I say with my hands on my head pacing around. Angelo stops me and grabs me by my shoulders again.

"Don't be sorry, I will do anything for you, I will always put you before me even if that means dying for you" He says before pulling me into a hug.

That is my deepest fear. My family dying to protect me, like Amelio. Why was I so special? all I do is destroy. I'm a fucking killing machine and they want to save me. I felt guilty but there is nothing I could do to stop them, they would put me first above anything.

It's my fault Amelio was dead, I shouldn't of turned off my earpiece on a mission. The night he died I listened to our tapes from the mics. He was calling for me, he told me to kill the target but I had my piece off. Hearing Angelo say he would die for me just reminded me of Amelio's death. My life brought death to Amelio and now i'm taking away Angelo's future by making him marry for my safety.

I pull away from the hug and smile at Angelo to give him reassurance that I was fine before we made our way back to the others.

When we get to them, I take my place beside Theodore and wrap my arm around his. He looks down at me and smiles. I give him a little smile back and he immediately notices something is wrong. He tilts his head a little down as if he is asking me if i'm okay and i give him a little nod. He knows something is up but he drops it anyway.

The rest of the ball was filled with laughter as Angelo and I got to enjoy one night before we had to tend to our responsibilities tomorrow. At the end the night we said goodbye to my parents, Antonio and Gianna. My father told me Damian agreed to the marriage and I had to tell Theodore tonight. Daimian would announce it in the following days. After saying would goodbyes the wylder's went home and Angelo and I followed after them.

When we arrived back at the house I went straight to Theodore's room. I knocked twice before he opened it and let me in.

"to what do I owe this pleasure" He says as he unbuttons his shirt. Of course he had to do that now.

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