Family Business

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Chapter 10:

Amara Andrea

As we make our way into the living room, I see six people spread out along the couches talking and laughing about with each other. Just as we we were about to walk in Theodore stops us and pulls Easton back.

"You didn't fucking say Emery and Esther is here you fucking prick" Theodore says lifting Easton by the collar. I put my hand on Theodore's shoulder and pull him back gently off East.

"You never fucking asked Bro" East says with a smirk.

"What's wrong?" I ask them both. Theodore looks down.

"You'll be fine, We got you" Easton says before turning to walk in and takes a seat with them.

"Just let me do the talking" Theodore says before walking into the living room. I follow closely behind him. They stop their conversations when Theodore walks into the room and acknowledges him before he tells them to take their seats again, I walk in to stand beside Theodore. They give me confused looks and I give them a cute smile.

"This is Amara Lucia Andrea" Theodore says in a stern voice.

Two of the six stand up from their seats giving me angry stares. I look over as Easton to see him chuckle.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" One of the two shout. I'm gonna need their names soon because numbers aren't cutting it. Though i'm pretty sure they are Emery and Esther. Emery launches at me but before he could reach me Easton stood in front of me holding Emery back.

"Chill Emery, let him talk" Easton says and he pulls him back to the couch. I cross me arms and keep quiet.

"What the fuck Theodore" Esther shouts as she walks towards Theodore.

"Watch your fucking mouth Esther and remember who you are talking to" Theodore says as he enters Mafia mode. Sexy mother fucker. Esther calms herself down and takes a seat.

"She is the daughter of Lorenzo Andrea, Heir to the Italian mafia. There is word the Russians are planning to overthrow us both with the French. Since the Italians and Americans are in an alliance we are going to attack first. So for the time being Amara and her twin brother Angelo are staying with us" Theodore states to them.

"Dad would never sign the alliance knowing who she was. You guys tricked him" One of Theodore's brother say. I break my silence.

"Damian knew about my identity when he signed the alliance which why he signed it. He knew I was a powerful force and that I could be of use to him. He agreed to keep my identity a secret until we released it" I inform them.

"Last night we tried to get the Mexicans into the alliance to help us attack the Russians. The only way they would agree is if Angelo marries his daughter. In doing that she would inherit half control over the Italians, we couldn't risk them having that control so we had to come up with an alternative" Theodore says before turning to me and picks up my hand to hold in his.

"Amara and I will be getting married" He finally says. All their faces drop to the floor including Easton. We didn't tell him upstairs.

"Emery and Esther, she is apart of this family now and she will be my wife. If you so much as touch one little hair on her head, I will not hesitate to pull a bullet through your skull" He threatens them.

His siblings stand up and make their way to me.

"I'm Henry, welcome to the family" Finally names. He goes back to sit on the couch.

"I'm river" Theodore's sister is fucking stunning. Am I marrying the wrong one. Kidding.

"Aiden and you are hot" He says. I give them all smiles and a nod.

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