We Are One

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Chapter 21:

Amara Andrea-Wylder

After we had a plan, we gathered the men together to train. We were gonna hit in a couple of days since my brothers and I had to head back to Italy for my parents funeral. When the wedding ended yesterday my extended family including my baby boy were sent to a safe house and then thy left for Italy this morning. We also have to go back to put things in place. Since I was gonna stay here and run things from New York, more members would have to come and stay at the NY base while I have Angelo run things in Italy. I would miss him but I still had to think about my family.

Tonio and I are in a car heading to another meeting in the city. Not even a day as Donna and I'm already hating it. As soon as we left Damian's warehouse which I guess was also mine now, Tonio had told me about all the meetings I had to attend and fucking hell was I pissed. When things go back to normal I was just gonna get one of my men to do this shit for me like maybe Luca who is now my second hand. We had just come from two meetings and heading to more.

"Toni I'm so tired, I'm sure dad never did all this" I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"Piccola you are Donna now so you kinda of have to keep up with all this shit. I made some calls to send more men from Italy to relocate here so you don't have to deal with it. I moved their family's as well. I put them all in one of our hotels here so everything is set' he says making me kind of relieved that I didn't have to deal with it.

"Thank you so much Tonio, I don't know if I could have done this without you" I say pulling into the building. The rest of the day was spent with different meetings and phone calls. When we finally got home I was fucking exhausted but I was hungry, I hadn't eaten all day. Thankfully Leona had already had dinner prepared. Angelo and Gia were already eating when we got in so we sat down with them and ate.

"How was work miss lady" Gia asked.

"I wanna die" I said sarcastically stuffing mash potato in my mouth. I look up to see all of them looking at me concerned.

"woah, I'm fucking kidding" I say letting out a giggle to lighten the mood back up. They all relax their faces but still ease at me.

"Guys I promise I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me" I say putting my fork down.

"you should get some sleep" Angelo says as he helps Leona pack up some of the dishes. I nod my head picking my self up and heading to my room. I have a shower before changing and getting into bed. I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep but all I could think about was Theodore. Is he alive? Is he eating? Is he okay? I just wanted him home. I couldn't hold back the tears that were streaming down my face, I was so sick of being sad, sick of having red puffy eyes. I was sick of being in pain. I curled up under the blankets and let the tears consume me. Why fight them? No one was here to judge, It was just me... And the baby. It's not even a baby yet, isn't it still just a fetus. I sat up against the head board and put my hand on my stomach. It was only a week old so it wasn't even bigger than a penny. Whatever it is, I still decided to talk to it.

"Hey baby, it's mommy here, I love you already and I know it might now seem like it but I really do, I'm just struggling a bit since your father was taken from me, I just miss him" I curled into a ball and cried myself to sleep.


Three days later, Its Wednesday and we have just arrived back to NY from Italy. We flew over on Monday night for the Funeral on Tuesday then left Wednesday morning getting to NY on Wednesday morning. It was a small and Intimate wake for the both of them. We buried them together in the family crypt back home. During the time there we had organised a plan with Damian and Alberto, we were set to fly to Russian a couple of hours and attack tonight. Most of the Mexican, American and Italian men had flew over and we just waiting on Me, my brothers and Damian. Alberto decided not to be involve in the hit, we weren't gonna argue, he would have just gotten in the way anyway. Easton picked us up from the private port and took us to my house. I was in my room while the boys were in the gym. While we were in Italy, I had a little check in with our doctor. She wanted to do a sonogram but I refused her. I wanted to wait till we got Theodore back. She did give me some vitamins and special tablets for the pregnancy which was supposed to help with the baby's growth and my health. She was on strict instructions to not tell anyone about it, I would just feel better knowing only a handful of people know.

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