Difficult Decisions

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Chapter 12:

Amara Andrea

I woke up to a sleeping Theodore on my stomach. He was laying on top of me hugging my body. I couldn't move so I just stayed there running my fingers through his hair, waiting for him to wake. I had slept the whole afternoon to the morning, after Theodore put me down he stayed for a bit but then left for a little while. I felt him come back in the middle of night but I was just too exhausted to ask him where he had been.

I layed there as timed past enjoying the moment.

"Good morning" He mumbles out against my stomach. I continue to run my fingers through his hair. "Good morning" I replied back.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks. "Just a few hours" I say.

"About last night--"

"It's okay, we don't need to talk about it" He says cutting me off.

"I didn't want you to see that yesterday and i'm sorry for snapping at you" I say apologizing for the day before. I didn't like to apologize but for him, I'd do anything.

"Don't be, If we're gonna be married soon then I think it's good to see you not only at your best but your worst as well" He says making me smile and relax myself.

"You can yell, cry, hit me anytime you want to if that's what you need to do. I'd rather you lose your shit at me then keep it all bottled in" Tears started to fill my eyes when he said that. I knew things were gonna change since I would now have someone with me all the time. He moved his body up so his head was rested on my neck. I took a deep breath and pulled myself together to gather the strength to ask the hard questions.

"We should talk about how things are be after we get married" I says.

"What do you mean?" He asks looking up. He sits up and leans across the bed frame. I move myself to sit in between his legs as he wraps his arms around me and I lay back into his embrace.

"Well I know where still young and we won't be taking over for a while but where are we gonna live? When we do take over where will we live then? How will we manage both Mafia's? and what about Ace" I realize maybe that was a bit much but we needed to plan it out.

"Okay, um, I didn't think about all of that but I guess we have to have done it at one point, so why not now?" He replies.

"Since its gonna be a couple years until we take over, I think we should buy a house here to raise Ace in, you know something for ourselves. We're both assassins so it doesn't really matter where we work because we still have to go on missions" What he's saying does make sense but do I really wanna be away from my family. I mean Antonio is married and still lives at the house. Then again his wife isn't also an heir. Ugh marriage is so confusing.

"You wanna buy a house together?" I ask to make sure that's what he wants.

"Of course I wanna buy a house with you, do you keep forgetting we're getting married and we have a son" No I just keep avoiding it.

"How are you so calm and accepting towards our situation" I ask him cause it's seriously scaring me.

"I mean we literally just reunited three days ago, you tried to kill me, decided to marry to save our Mafia's, I went crazy yesterday and you still wanna have a future with me" I say throwing my hands up.

"I'm accepting it because it's you, I don't know about you but I've become really fond of us. I guess I would have known we would have a future together at one stage and I wanted us to take things slow and ease into it but now we're going straight into marriage, so we might as well not fight it" He says making me feel more secure about the situation.

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