End Of The Beginning

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Chapter 7:

Amara Andrea

He stares at me in shock as i get up off the floor and dust myself off. He watches me walk back to the seat and sit down.

"I woke up and you were gone" He says to me.

"I had to kill my target" I tells him unfazed.

"You slept with me and then killed my cousin. Were you just using me to get to him" He asks me turning around to face me.

"I didn't know who you were until after we did it, when i saw a text in your phone from Eli" I say trying to defend myself.

"Even after you still went to kill him, knowing who i was" He puts both hands on the counter then throws his head down breaking eye contact. It was like it hurt to look at me.

"That doesn't change a thing, he was my target. I wasn't gonna let him live just because your related" I say throwing my hands in the air.

"That also doesn't change the fact that YOU KILL HIM" He yells as he harshly bangs on the table.

"I know"

"That just makes me want to kill you more" He says balling his fists.

"You won't" I tell him crossing my arms.

"Stop saying that" He shouts.

"You would never hurt me" I say with a soft expression on my face.

He looks at me with anger. In a minuet time his rage turns into defeat. I stand up and walk to him behind the bar. Placing my hands on his balled fists, i rub them until they release. My hands hold his forearms as he holds mine and i stare into his eyes. I can see he's contemplating, He's not sure if he should trust me and i don't blame him. I haven't done anything to gain his trust. I've only broken it. He takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face on my neck. He startles me with his hug and i give into him throwing my hands around his neck. He knew he shouldn't but i knew he felt what i felt. I never stopped longing for his touch.

"Why were you being a bitch in the meeting room?" He says with his face still on my neck.

"Because i'm a bad bitch" What? I can help it.

"What happen to my girl in the bar, The sweet innocent one?"

"She grew up"

I took a deep breath before breaking the hug.

"I'm sorry" I say holding his arms.

He pulled me back in and hugged me tighter. At this point i don't have a clue on whats gonna happen after this. Is it a goodbye hug?, is it a I forgive you hug? But right now I needed him.

After a couple minuets of holding him i take a step back. He looks at me wondering what i'm thinking about.

"Eli fucked up and he paid for it. There's nothing I can do to get him back and i know you had no choice, you did your job. Were okay" He says with his hands on my shoulders.

Is he playing me? I killed his cousin. Why is he letting it go so easily?

"Theodore, why don't you hate me"

"What parts of that night were real?" He ignores my question.

"From when you took me to the building to look at central park, to when i feel asleep in your arms" I say looking down.

"Why did you tell me your name was Dylan?" I ask. Lifting me head to

"I'm guessing the same reason you chose to tell me yours was Aria" He replies.

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