Out of the Shadows

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Chapter 4:

Amara Andrea

Of course I had to be the one to tell my brothers. Please protect me Lord. Walking into my room, I take out my phone and click onto our group chat before laying on my bed.


  Quick there's a boy in my room!!! : princess

prince: BOYYYY??????

peasant: On my way!

Before I could put my phone down, my brothers stumbled into my room guns ready to rain down terror on the supposedly 'boy' in my room. "Ah my peasant Angelo, and prince Antonio." I say as they look at me in confusion.

"Where the fuck is this boy and why am I the fucking peasant?" Angelo states.

"There's no boy and Tonio dibs prince." I roll my eyes at him.

"Come come my children, Heir meeting." I usher them to sit at the edge of my bed.

"Angelo, pack your shit, dads kicking you out. I'm sorry I tried to convince him that you wouldn't hurt me because I pulled you off the bed but he said no, you have to go." I plead to him.

"What the fuck are you going on about?", he says while pulling out his phone.


Your kicking me out?: Angelo

El chapo: Yes

He puts his phone down with a sad expression. Thanks dad.

"Okay Angelo, chill. I'm only kidding", I tell him laughing in his face. His facial expressions change to anger.

"Hehe, remember that we are basically the same person, so you kill me, you kill yourself." I say hoping his under developed brain would accept it.

"Why are we here sorella?". He plainly states.

"Pack your shit brothers we're going to New York. We are going to the annual charity ball tomorrow night", They stare at me with confusion then they look at each other and laugh.

"We're going tomorrow" Antonio says while pointing at Angelo and himself. "Me and him, Not you".

"Wrong big brother. I will also be attending the ball", I say with pride as if I have accomplished a goal in life.

"EL CHAPOOOOO" They both yelled in unison.

And with that my father fly's through my door frame with his gun looking for danger in my room.

"What the fuck is wrong with you lot?" He shouts at us as he holds Ace in his arms.

"why would you bring Ace in here if you thought there was a threat" I ask taking baby Ace from his arms. He's not a baby but he will always be my baby. He's almost three.

"She is not attending the ball tomorrow," Angelo says to him.

"Your sister is twenty years old now and the most feared assassin in the mafia world. I believe she has proven herself worthy of coming out of the shadows." He replies defending me and his decision.

"It's too dangerous for her, if people find out who she is, which they will, find out that she was behind the kills." Angelo says to our father.

"As I said, she has proven herself worthy. It's time she gets credit for her kills." He tells the two of them.

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