Forgotten Feelings

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Chapter 24:

Amara Andrea-Wylder

I turn around and walk out of the room before Easton gently grabs my arms and spins me around taking me inside. I roll my eyes taking a seat on the other side of the couch as Easton sits in the middle with Theodore on the other side. He didn't even look at me.

"thank you for coming Amara" Damian says leaning back in his chair. I give him a small little smile before returning back to anger face.

"well I'll make it short, we need to find out who were the guys that followed you" As if that wasn't the obvious reason we were here.

"Easy, It was a fucking Russian" I say pulling out a burger from my jacket.

"you had a burger in your jacket" He says looking at me confused.

"I'm not fucking crazy, I have two" I say pulling out another one and handing it to him. He takes the burger and eats away.

"enough burgers, how do you know it was a Russian" Damian says disrupting my time with my love. (Burger)

"god Damian you talk like I'm a fucking newbie. When I opened the sunroof and shot at them, I saw their tattoo's on their neck" I say eating my burger.

"But we killed them all" Damian says leaning forward.

"Obviously not all of them. They looked young, I would guess we're dealing with the next generation" I reply. It was possible that there would be some family left, I just didn't think they  were dumb enough to attack us after what happened.

"Regardless of their age, you are still in danger, we will send more security with you everywhere, Easton I want you with her at all times" East and I both nod our head in agreement.

"you guys can go, we know its the Russians now" Damian continues. We all stand up and leave the room with East going first and me behind him. I feel a arm around mine pull me back. I turn around to see Theodore.

"what the fuck are you doing?" I say yanking my arm out from his grip.

"your fucking pregnant" He whispers in an angry tone. I look down to see my jacket was open. I sighed before staring back at Theodore speechless. I wasn't even going to try to lie, your bitch is four months prego's. I missed him being this close but I had to remember he wasn't mine anymore.

"how far along are you?" He asks. I roll my eyes before answering.

"16 weeks" I reply stepping back but he turns us around so my back is on the wall.

"That's 4 months" Yea no shit, I can count Sherlock. "Is it mine" He has really lost his mind. I let out an annoyed sight before looking at him again. "fucking hell".

"yes fucking hell indeed" I say out loud with sarcasm.

"you think this is fucking funny" I don't give a fuck.

"No actually, I don't think this is fucking funny, I think this whole thing is fucking ridiculous. You know your not the only person that loss something. I lost my mother, my father and my fucking husband on my wedding day and your just gonna stand there and make me feel sorry for you" I take a deep breath as he stares at me confused.

"Please move so I can go home. You might not know this but my home is our home that we brought together, where you proposed to me in the backyard. It's where you first told me you loved me and it's where our son is waiting for me" I say to him as tears form in my eyes.

"I can't do this let me go, I don't want to hurt you" I say trying to break from his embrace. He won't budge.

"don't make me hurt you" I warn him once more. Just as I'm about fight back East grabs Theodore off of me.

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