Author's Note

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I wanted to say a massive huge thank you to the people who read my story, I love and adore all of you so much. Thank you for joining me on the beginning of my journey as a writer and let me just say its not over yet. I do intend to write more books after I finish this series.


This unfortunately is the end of Better Side Of Me book. This was the story of Amara Lucia Andrea and her journey through her mafia life and her coping with her mental health. In the end she changed her perspective of always worrying about herself and thinking the world is out for her to thinking about her children and what she can do better for them to not end up like her. Not that being her is bad but because it's not Ideal which is why she raises them in a environment different to the one she grew up in which is all about the mafia and instead decided to focus on them as children.

See Amara thought that the Mafia was all that there was in life and she wanted to teach her children different in order for them to grow and learn to control which was something she never did because of what she was born into. Amara of course knows that while they did grow up in California they would have to go back to New York but she didn't want to take away their freedom and happiness of living normal lives which is why she decided to stay in Cali with her family despite going against the plan and Theodore.

I just wanted to make clear that she didn't necessarily fall out of love with Theo but fell in love with East. Only because she saw what a great father he was and that being a mom is what matters more to her than some gang and I guess she believed that East thought the same thing as he was there with her.

Do you remember when I said Amara had to forgive herself to save herself? She was willing to die but her children saved her from her misery. She said I won't forgive myself for me but for them. They say mother hood is a mental illness ;)


My next book which is the sequel to this is called "The Side Of Me: Gone but not forgotten" The book picks up where BSOM left off. This book is about Alaria and Atlas discovering who they are as twins together because of most of the early years of their life being a complete lie. So as you read their mother Amara Andrea through her journey (which will be finished in the next book) you will also discover and explore the twins journey through their complicated life.

The twins will have to figure out who they want to be and will question themselves like 'who was I born to be?' They grew up in a normal life raised by normal parents so what happens when they brought into the life of mafia which they were destined to be in the start?

Guess you will find out when the book comes out so stay tuned loves.


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