To Our Bambina

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Chapter 16:

Amara Andrea

'Maze calm down" I tell him.

Maze and Stella chose to stay in school, they didn't want to be apart of the dangerous part of the mafia so they went on to college. That was the one of the exceptions but they had to study a major that would help the mafia like law and medicine. They both chose to study law so they don't really get involve in this part or know the people in the mafia world. Her reaction was no surprise.

"how did you get engaged to him" she asks.

"Like I said Maze, we have history" I say taking out a cigarette and light it up.

"God when are you going to stop doing that, you have a child now" My mother says.

"This is my first cigarette in two days mother and it's herbal, don't worry" I reply.

"Your fucking lying Ara" Stella says.

"watch you mouth young lady" Aunt Sara says.

"I mean it, two days" I say.

"It's like your a whole different person" Maze says making everyone chuckle.

"Okay this was fun, I'm gonna go check on Theodore and make sure he's still alive" I say getting up and walking towards where the guys are. They were in the pool house drinking, when I walked in they were all laughing and actually getting along. I'm glad my brothers had warmed up to him, it made me feel more at ease. They all turned to me and cheered.

"sorella" Angelo says lifting up a glass of whiskey for me.

"I hope you boys are playing nice" I say taking it before sitting on Theodore's lap.

"Hi baby" he says kissing my cheek. I peck him on the cheek as well. I can tell it annoys my brothers that I'm kissing him, barely, but I know they were more happy that I found someone.

"That was weird to witness" Rocco said.

"Get used to it" I say to them.

"how about a toast to our Bambina" Santiago says before everyone raises their glasses.

"alla nostra bambina, congratulazioni per il tuo fidanzamento. ti auguriamo il meglio per te nuovo capitolo della tua vita, ad Amara e al nostro nuovo fratello Theodore"

(to our little girl, congratulations on your engagement. we wish you the best for you new chapter of your life, to Amara and our new brother Theodore) Antonio says as the boys cheer before we drink. I stand up to hug my brothers with all my cousins joining in. We break apart.

"significa molto per me che voi ragazzi stiate sostenendo la mia decisione" (it means much to me that you guys are supporting my decision) I say to them.

"We also have one more announcement" I say placing my hand on Theodore's shoulder as he places his hand on mine.

"Theodore and I brought a house in New York" I felt like I've been saying this a thousand times.

"Your moving out?" Antonio says. I nod my head.

"What about us, the Mafia?" Santiago says.

"Father won't be resigning for a while but when he does I will run it from New York. I will have Angelo here running the warehouse. Everything will work out fine" I say.

"Well I guess you have it all planned out then sorella" Antonio says. I smile and nod at him to come outside.

"I'm not entirely sure about this but I'll support you no matter what" He says.

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