Second Time Around

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Chapter 25:

Amara Andrea-Wylder

We walked out of the room to see East chatting with Linda.

"you ready to go" I ask him. He turns around "I'll meet you guys at the car" He says before Theodore and I walk towards the foyer but get stopped by Rose.

"wait Amara" she calls for me. We both turn around before she pulls me into a hug.

"Darling I haven't seen you in forever, oh and look at your stomach, your already starting to show" she says looking at my belly. I feel like that's just what everyone's been doing lately.

"Rose, I've missed you too" I reply to her.  "You must come over tomorrow for lunch" she says.

"actually East and I have to fly over to LA to meet with some business partners about a deal" I tell her. She gives me a sad look. "but I'm sure I can push it back a day" I say. Her face lights up again and a wide smiling comes across her face. "perfect, I'll make your favorite, Chicken parm pasta" I give her a sweet little kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

"Theodore, you seem well" She says taken back that he is with me. "don't worry mom, it's me" He says as she throws her arms around him. We head the car and wait for East. He gets in moments later and turns on the car.

"Home?" he asks. "fuck no, I want taco's" I reply as he drives off. He speeds off to taco bell cause a bitch is pregnant and hungry. We get the taco's and devour them in the car before driving off to home. I look through the mirrors and see the same SUV's trailing us.

"East" I say his name before he notices I'm looking at the mirrors before he does. We give each a nod as he picks up the speed and zooms past the car in front. Theodore catches on and pulls out his gun. I go to take off my seat belt but before I can a car comes from the side crashing into us, making the car flip and turn, tumbling down the freeway.


Theodore Andrea-Wylder

I gained consciousness, opening my eyes, I try to piece what just happened and as soon as I do my mind goes completely to Amara.

"Amara, Amara" I call for her trying to move but I'm stuck. I look over to the passenger seat but she was gone. I look over to the driving seat to see an unconscious East.

"East, wake up" I yell to him. He coughs before moving around.

"Where's Amara?" He says before pulling himself out of the car. He stretches before pulling me out. We both notice the people looking at us so we quickly run away from the scene to hide. We went behind one of the buildings and walk around.

"FUCK. I just got her back" I say punching the building wall.

"Dammit. My phones jacked, where's yours" I pull mine out and call our father informing him of what just happened. He had cars pick us up and take us back to the house. East runs straight into the house and straight to the sever rooms.

"what are you doing" I ask following behind him. I text my father to meet us down here.

"what the fuck are you doing Easton" I ask him as he pushes one of the IT guys away from the computer and starts typing. The screen above him shows the map and a arrow going around searching for coordinates.

"After you got taken we decided it was a good idea for Amara to have something on her that would let us track her, so I gave her a necklace with a tracker" He says. Thank god for that.

"got her, lets get a team out now before they move" He says pushing past me.

"forward that to everyone, now" I saw to the tech guy before leaving. I head up to my room and change before meeting the team in the meeting room. When I walk in I see East briefing everyone on their assignments.

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