Back To Reality

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Chapter 26:

Amara Andrea-Wylder

After getting changed Theodore had a shower and got into bed with me.

"this feels so weird yet so normal" I say with him laying with his head nest to my stomach. He wanted to be close to the babies.

"I mean like this morning and last couple of months you were a completely different person and now your back to the Theodore I knew" I say running my fingers through his hair. "I missed you" I say before he speaks.

"I know baby, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me but I'm here now" He says smothering my belly in kisses.

"Hi babies, it's dada" I giggled at his little conversation with the twins. "That was sweet, but they can't actually hear you yet. I'm only 16 weeks" I say before giggling at him.

"I don't care, I'm gonna talk to them every night" He says in a sad attempt of a baby voice. he came back up and I layed on his chest.

"So your Donna now" He says. "it's not fun, trust me" That was a truth. I feel like my brothers dodged a bullet. My father made everything seem easy but it is not all what it looks like. I have to fly around the world paying off my associates, making deals, sending men to kill, making sure everyone is paid, making sure my people were making me money and making sure no one crossed me. I was running everything in America but I had people all over leading under my rule.

"we will get through it Amore, you have the support of everyone. We have your back" He reassures me. We talk a little more before drifting off to sleep. Tonight just felt right, It felt good to be back in his arms, his scent that lingered in the room faded off during the weeks and now that I have him back, I get to smell him again and be with him.


I woke up to Theodore tracing circles on my arm with his finger.

"good morning" I say turning around to face him. He kisses my forehead and returns the "Good morning". I snuggle into him as he wraps his arms around me pulling my closer into him. "what time is it?" I ask him.

"It's only 7" He replies. "how are you feeling?" He continues. "better than yesterday" I respond. We layed there as he covered me in kisses and cuddles until we finally got out of bed. He took me to the bathroom and sat me on the sink so I could do my things while he did his.

"we have to go to your mothers for lunch today, I pushed back a meeting for it" I remind him as he showers. "I know, did you want to go there before the warehouse or after" He asks.

"we have time before, so I guess we can go to the warehouse first" I reply finishing my hair. After his shower we went to the wardrobe to pick outfits for the day. I put on a white soft little dress that hug my curves and little belly perfectly and put on some white sneakers. I also decided to throw on a black denim jacket that stopped before my waist.

Theodore came over and put my gold necklace on me as I did my earrings and we were ready to go. He picked up bridal style and carried me downstairs to the car.

"you know we can get me a wheelchair or some walking sticks" I say as he carried me down.

"I like having you in my arms, let me do it" he says putting me in.

"I can do that" I say as he leans over to out the belt on me. "I know but I want to do it for you" He replies before kissing me and closing the door.

"are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks while driving. "don't worry, teddy. Even though I'm pregnant, I'm still me" I reassure him as I see a little smirk form across his face.

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