Other Side Of Me

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Chapter 11:

Theodore Wylder

When she looked back at me to ask me to get her briefcase. I looked into her eyes and in that moment she wasn't the girl I knew. She wasn't the perky sarcastic chilled back girl at the house. She was somebody else, I could see the darkness in her eyes and she enjoyed it. I took her keys and made my way out to her car thinking about what I saw. Since when does she smoke? She's completely different.

I got to her car and opened her trunk to grab the briefcase. I was about to pick it up but curiosity got the better of me. I opened it to find tools that you would find in some old mans garage. A hammer, a screw driver, bolts and nails, a saw glue. I closed the case and brought to her inside the house. She didn't even look at me when she took it. I leaned on the wall and watched her work.

She picked up the hammer from her case and took a seat in front of him.

"Where is Lucien?" She asks hovering the hammer above his hand.

"I don't know I left two years ago I already told you" The man shouts in fear before she hits the the surface of his hand as he screams in agony. she leans forward to him and moves the hammer to his other hand.

"I know when someone isn't being honest with me" She says in a baby voice. "Now just give me a location".

"Moscow" He answers. She picks up his index finger and snap it.

"A little more specific sweetie"

"Tverskoy District, that's all I know, I promise" He pleads to her. Even though she has a location she snaps over other finger in spite.

"What are you doing, I told you everything I know" He screams out in pain as she pulls a knife out of her boot and walks beside him. She stabs his wrist and drags the knife up his arm. I try my best to not gag at the site. She takes it out once it reaches his shoulder. His skin turns pale life the life is slowly draining out with the blood. She walked to the other side of him and did the same thing. He had no energy to scream anymore, so he just rolled his head back and kept it there. I walked up to her and took the knife out of her hand letting her know that she had done enough. As soon and I took it out of her hands she snapped her head at me and finally looked into my eyes. I gave her a reassuring look before she turned her head back to him then back to me and she snapped back into reality. It was like she was completely lost in a trance. As she was gazing into my eyes I could feel she was searching for forgiveness, like she was pleading for me to forget what happen.

I packed her case and picked it up. She took out her gun and pointed it at his heart.

"это для моего брата" And with that she shot him. She then brought the gun to his head and shot him again, she took the knife from my hand and craved her initials on his head before turning to walk past me, walking out the door. I took one last look at the guy then followed behind her to the car.

I gave her the keys and she unlocked the car for both of us to get in and strap ourselves. I put the case beside my shoe and just looked at her while she drove. I've heard the stories of her. I've seen pictures of her targets. Each with a shot to the head, a shot to the heart from behind and her initials craved on their heads. It was he signature moves, it's how she became so known. Some say around a year ago she went off the rails. Amara had managed to get a total of four hundred kills in a week. No one was able to stop her because no one knew who she was. Today I saw a side of her and I don't think it's something I wanna see again but I will help her through this.

"What did you say before you shot him?" I ask her as she is driving.

"This is for my brother" She replied blankly.

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