Bride To Be

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Chapter 18:

Amara Andrea

I woke up in my bed the next morning. It was 11am, I heard a lot of noise downstairs like so I took this chance to have a peaceful shower and throw on a robe before going down. Of course even when I told my mother not to worry, there she was yelling and running around trying to make sure everything was done. She was yelling at the guards and even my wedding planner.

"Mama" I call out to her making her stop talking before she walks towards me.

"Good morning Bambina, did you sleep well?" She ask holding my chin up.

"I slept fine mama, where are the boys?" I ask.

"Your father and the boys went into the city for a meeting, they will be back soon" She says.

"Really, a meeting on this day, unbelievable" I say throwing my hands in the air. I turn around to see Gianna walking down the stairs.

"Why are you awake Amara, you still have another hour of beauty rest" she says grabbing my arm to walk upstairs.

"I don't feel tired Gia, I'm well rested I promise" I tell her.

"I don't want you going downstairs stressing out okay, stay up here relax, your mother will take care of everything" She says as we walking into my lady cave. Since Theodore got to have his game room, bar and bowling ally, I wanted something for me so I renovated one of the rooms for me to relax in. It had a bookshelf filled with my favorite books, a TV, a mini fridge, couches, make up area with beauty supplies and a patio with couches outside as well. It was just a place for me to escape. The room was a peach cream color which looked absolutely beautiful when the sun came through the windows. We took a seat on the couch.

"Now how do you feel about facials and Netflix" I smiled and nodded at he as she got up to get the stuff for our facials and I turned on the TV. After 30 minuets of our girly time I started to get very anxious. I got up off the coach and Gia watched me walked to the patio. I sat down on the chair outside, closed my eyes and tilted my head up at the sun, soaking in its warmth. I feel Gianna slide next to me wrapping her arms around me pulling me into her embrace.

"everything is gonna be fine sorellina" she says as I cuddle into her. We stay like this for a moment until we hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it, you enjoy your vitamin D" I giggle before she lets go to get the door.

"I'm here for the beautiful bride to be" I hear from afar before getting up to tend to it.

"That's me" I say walking up to the stranger.

"Oh my god, honey thank you for being beautiful you have already made my job easy" She says grabbing my face and analyzing it.

"You must be Amanda, the make up and hair artist" She nods as she continues to keep on examining me. She motions me to sit over at my desk in front of my mirror.

"what did you want to go for" She asks.

"Something light and natural" I reply. She takes a second before speaking.

"okay, I think I have an idea, how about I just highlight your features, a little blush, light brown shadow and a nude lip" she says and I nod my head in agreement before she got to work. She did exactly as she said, it was a perfect look for me, I was never the one to go fro a cakey look.

"Now your hair, do you want it up, down or low styled?" she asked.

"I think I want it out and down" Theodore always complements my hair when its down and up. Okay he just loves my hair.

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