Resolving Problems

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(Guys in this chapter you will be meeting Amara's extended family, pay attention to who is who or not, be confused if you want. To make it easier for you I have made the siblings names start with the same letter. Eg. Santiago and Stella are siblings)

Chapter 15:

Amara Andrea

"Theodore wake up, I'm not done with you" I say making him sit up straight in his seat.

"Why did you get so angry that I stood up for River?" I ask him.

"I'm not angry at the fact that you stood up for her, I'm angry that you put yourself in danger" He says.

"It's a fucking school Theodore seriously what could have happened?" I say turn to him taking my eyes off the road.

"That's another Amara, It's a fucking school, how am I going to explain this?" He says throwing his hands up.

"Your seriously treating me like a child right now" I say gripping the wheel tight making my hands go white.

"Your the one who is acting like one, Imagine if Cyrus wasn't there and didn't have your back, What would happen if that kid came from another gang and they came up to the school?" He lists.

"You keep forgetting that I can protect myself, I trained my whole life to fight, so what if the kid got a punch in, I would have got him anyway" I say rolling my eyes.

"That's not the fucking Amara, I don't want anyone else's hands on you" I raises his voice.

"Why not Theodore?" I say.

"Because your mine, as long as I am alive no one will ever lay hands on you and I mean it, even if it kills me" He shouts.

"That's not your choice to make, I'm not your property" I raise my voice.

"No but your my wife, which means your mine, I will not have anyone touching you" He says very angrily.

"Sounding a little possessive there Theodore" I say.

"I'm not trying to, I'm just--"

"I understand Theodore" I say putting an end to this dumb argument.

"What?" He says turning his head.

"I understand and I'm sorry" I understand where he was coming from because I would feel the same way if someone tried to lay hands on him but he did over react because I didn't get hit. After going through this argument today I realized there would be many more in the future and I would still come back to him.

"I won't promise that I won't put myself in danger because we do it everyday already, but I'll be more careful" I say.

"I'm sorry I over reacted, I guess everything's just getting to me now and I needed to let it out, I'm sorry I snapped on you" He says.

"Leave it in the past" I say stopping at a red light.

"I didn't like that at all" He says crossing his arm. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"I don't like fighting with you, your my fiance and you don't deserve it" He says. I grab his hand and squeeze it.

"Water under the bridge baby" I say pulling into the port.

"Now can you please put your ring back on" He says pulling it out of his jacket. He slides it on and kisses the gem before holding it again. The car comes to a stop and I pull him into a kiss. When we pull apart he pulls me back and whispers in my ear.

"your gonna pay for throwing it at my face when we get to Italy" He says making me giggle as I understood exactly what he meant. He gave me one more peck before we got out of the car. One guard got out of the SUV and hopped in the drivers seat of my car. Then they drove off as soon as Theodore and I were on the plane. My father and Angelo was already on the plane waiting for us.

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