Mad World

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Chapter 30:

3 years later in New York...

(twins would be 18 and a couple months old)

Theodore Wylder

Ever since they left I had been counting down the years until I could see my beautiful wife and our twins. When the strike hit 18 years and they still hadn't contacted, I got a bit suspicious that something had happened to them and we hadn't known. None of us had contact with them during the time to avoid tracking but it's now been a couple weeks since they haven't returned. I had my men everywhere trying to track them but the only person who knew where their location was is my father. Damian was assassinated a couple years back and my mother died of Old age. When they left Damian made sure that their lives were untraceable and no one would be able to get to them, he even didn't put it in our system. We couldn't find out where they were or if they were alive. Its been 18 years since I've seen my wife and I just want her back.

Ace is now 21 and is still awaiting his reunion with his mother. I did as I said and trained him to be a leader and he is more than ready now to take over when I step down. He is my biggest accomplishment in life and I couldn't ask for a better son.

Angelo and Antonio have flown over to New York in order to help us locate them but with every road comes a dead end. My father was too fucking good as his job. River is 35 and Aiden is now 34 and they have both became assassins when they graduated, so they are on missions around the world now. Henry is 39 and has a wife, Mary. They got married a couple years after Amara and Easton left. I am 40 years old and still longing for my family who I can't find.

"give me a status" I ask the tech guy. He shook his head indicating he had nothing. I gave everyone a stern look before flipping over some papers and leaving the room. Fucking help Damian. There was nothing I could do at this stage, I didn't know how to contact them or get them back. I was at lost and her brothers as well. The Russians who kidnapped Amara was still underground, they hadn't made any moves or attacks since the assassination of my father. My guess was they were after me next.

When we released the news of Amara's death to the mafia world, we had Don's bow to us in honor of her death while others tried to attack us and over throw the American-Italian Mafia. We suffered deep casualties but succeeded in our retaliations so far. I know we are bound to encounter more and we have been because of my fathers death. With the lost of two Don's we were seen as weak but then I took over with Angelo. We are still fighting to survive but I won't ever stop until I get my family back.

1 year earlier...

(twins are 17 and 7 months old)

Avery Lightwood

I was in the kitchen cleaning up as I heard footsteps walk in making me turn around.

"are the kids in bed?" I ask turning around.

"of course love" He replies taking a seat. I get two glasses and place them down in front of us then grabbing the bottle of whiskey in the top cabinet before taking a seat with him.

"The twins birthdays are in three months Ave" He says reminding me while I pour the glasses.

"I didn't forget, I just don't want to think about it" I say picking up the glass taking a sip.

"Ave" He tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

"Please Ezra, I don't want to do this right now" I hover the glass close to my lips.

"If not now then when? you know we have to discuss these things and how it would work" He throws his hands in the air before placing them on the counter top. I remain silent taking little sips here and there while turning away from Ezra.

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