From This Day Forward

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(Don't play music yet but when you do, honestly just keep it on loop through out the ceremony)

Chapter 19:

Theodore Wylder

I'm not gonna lie, I did have a little bit of doubt that she wouldn't show up. I wouldn't have blamed her, I know these past few days have been rough on her. She thought she would be marrying especially me. She had enter completely new territory in her mind and even though she won't admit it, I know she was scared. I was too but I still had hope. I know this marriage isn't like normal people ones but we'ere not ordinary people. I am still gonna try my best to give her the wedding of her dreams. Here I am standing at the alter waiting for her, we all are and we had our little man sitting at the front with Henry. I see her mother and brothers slip in though the sides and take there seat in the front which made me take a breathe of relief because that meant she was here before the double doors were pulled open revealing her.

(Play song here)

She was absolutely perfect, when my eyes met her's all my doubts flew away and I was left with noting but my love for her. Today her beauty was different to experience, It was like seeing her for the first time again. She smiled at me as I smiled back. It's like all of my emotions were heightened because in this moment I didn't care about my status, I shed tears for my beautiful wife. She glided down the aisle not breaking eye contact with me. Its like everything around her faded away, she was mesmerizing. I watched as she shed a tear down her cheek as I wiped mine away. she made it to the start of the three step stairs, she stopped letting her father kiss her cheek as I walked down to give her a hand before walking back up together. I face her as she faced me before grabbing each others hands. I let go of one and wipe her tears away with my thumb before holding her again. Antonio began to speak but I didn't listen to a single thing he said, I became lost in her as I believed she did to.

"Do you Theodore Axel Wylder take Amara Lucia Andrea to be your wife?" I hear Antonio ask.

"I do"

"Do you Amara Lucia Andrea take Theodore Axel Wylder to be your husband?"

"I do"

He went on and on until it was time to say our vows. I slid the ring on her finger before speaking.

"With this ring, I Theodore Axel Wylder take you, Amara Lucia Andrea to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us apart. I vow to always give you the best of me. I vow to always be the best father I can be to our son. I promise to remember that you are human and will make mistakes as well as decisions I don't agree with and sucking pizza out of my mouth because you love food, I promise to always forgive you when you make mistakes and promise to help you learn to grow from them. What I love about you most is you will do whatever it takes to protect your loved ones, you put others before yourself and I adore that about you. I promise to learn to love your dark side as much as the love the better side of you. Amara the night we met is a night I will never forget, you gave me something that I had lost along the years and that is hope. You also gave me a beautiful boy which I can't thank you enough for. I don't have an ounce of regret for meeting you because I met the love of my life. I hope to have a family and grow old with you. It will always be you and me against the world, Always and forever, So with that these are my promises to you" I say shedding more tears. She slid the ring on my hand before speaking her vows.

"With this ring I Amara Lucia Andrea take you Theodore Axel Wylder to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us apart. I promise to love you through the ups and downs of our new life we will start together, I promise to bandage you up when you come home injured, promise to hold you when you need me too, I promise to learn to grow with you and promise to share my food with you even if I don't want to. When I am with you, I am the best version of myself. You make me want to do better. I used to think I met you by chance but I now know without a doubt the universe put you here in front of me because we are meant to spend our lives together. I promise to never take the time we have together for granted. Thank you for accepting me for all that I am as I promise to accept you too. You have given me a safety net to fall back on when I need, you gave me what I couldn't give you at first but you waited for me and that was love. I vow to continuously work on myself to be the wife you need and deserve. Always and forever, Theodore you are my everything and these are my promises to you" She says smiling through the tears.

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