Without Me

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chapter 14:

Amara Andrea

I woke up to a loud and buzzing alarm.

"THEODORE, TURN IT OFF" I shouted lifting my head from my pillow.

"Fucking hell Amara" He woke up from his deep sleep and turned it off. At some point in the night I turned to lay on my stomach, Theodore's head was laying on my lower back sleeping sideways. I don't even know how it happen, but I was comfortable. I reached my hand out for my phone that was on the beside table and looked at the time.

"Its seven thirty, you have to get up Amore" I tell him but he still decides not to move.

I shake my body making his head shake. "Just a few more minuets" He says climbing on top of me. I feel his hard length push onto my ass. He moves down to leave trails of kisses on my back to my butt. When he gets there is gives me a gentle bite.

"Theodore" I say giggling. He turns my body around so I'm on my back giving he access to my stomach. He starts at the very bottom just above my pantie line to he is at the bridge of my breast. I put my finger under his chin and lift his face to mine.

"You need to get ready for work" I say pecking him on the lips before rolling out underneath him getting off the bed. I walk to the bathroom locking the door behind me to brush my teeth. I hear him knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I cheekily ask before rinsing and wiping my mouth. I then hear the door unlock. He walks in with a big smirk across his face.

"you sneaky bitch" I say grabbing the keys from his hand. He snakes a hand behind my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I pull back and walk to the closet to pick out a outfit for the day while he brushes his teeth.

I put together a black singlet and plain black skinny jeans with beige jacket.

Theodore walked in shortly after I dress and threw on his clothes. He wore a off white button up blouse with beige slacks and white sneakers. I look him through the mirror.

"Hmm" I hum so he can hear me turning around to stare at me in the mirror.

"What was that for" He asks rolling his sleeves.

"Oh nothing, your just wearing colors. I like it" I say putting on my gold necklace.

He walks over to me and grabs my hand sliding on the ring. "Your ring" He says giving me a peck on my lips.

We both made our way downstairs to the kitchen. Henry was in there making coffee. We took a seat in front of him.

"Are you always up this early Henry?" I ask wondering why he is awake.

"I'm going on a mission in Georgia, just a little gang that needs some re direction" He states giving me a wink. I know what he means.

"When's your flight" I ask him as he hands me and Theodore a cup of coffee.

"nine" He replies before looking at my hand picking up the cup. "Aquamarine gemstone, nice pick Theo" He says to Theodore. I look at my watch and its 8:15am.

"I actually have to leave now but I'll catch up when I get back" He says before downing his coffee and walking out.

The maid brings us breakfast as River and Aiden come down stairs. "Good morning" They both say to us. "Good morning" We both reply back.

"I don't have time to drive you guys to school, I'll get one of the guards to" Theodore says to them.

"Amara can take us right?" River asks.

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