Fighting The Attraction

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Chapter 8:

Angelo Andrea

I watch Amara dance herself inside as i walk up to our father and Tonio.

"Sorry?" I say lifting my shoulders up at them.

"Good" He says nodding his head.

Even though she was drunk she was care free. She hugged him, I can tell he missed that. Just as I was about to walk inside, I felt my father's hand hit the back of my head. OUCH.

"That's for getting her past the point of tipsy and for that you are looking out after her tonight" He says turning to walk inside with Antonio following behind him chuckling.

"Cazzo di inferno" (fucking hell) I mumble under my breath as i rub the back of my head walking inside.

Theodore Wylder

After my little talk with Amara, I went to my personal gym to train. I ended up breaking three boxing bags.

It's like she didn't even care about what happen between us but I know she feels what I felt that night. I don't know what it is but I feel drawn to her. Like I would do anything to have her.

I walked from my gym to the kitchen downstairs to get a snack. That's where i saw he again sitting at the table with my left over pizza I was coming down to eat. She was so invested in the pizza, she didn't even noticed I had come into the kitchen. I clear my throat making her look up with a slice hanging from her mouth and her hand holding another. She looked cute but I was still mad at her.

"That's my pizza" I say to her making her open her mouth causing the slice to drop into the box.

"Oh my god it's you Theodore from New York" She said smirking at me

I walked over to her and immediately smelt the liquor on her. She was drunk.

"Yep it's me" I say playing around with her. Her eyes widen and lean in to kiss me.

I pull away and pick her up to take her to her room. We had to get ready for this ball and she was off her head. She started to bang her hands on my back yelling at me to put her down. I ignored her and open her door to walk in and then closed the door behind me. I brought her to her bathroom and place her in the bath tub.

"Stay" I point at her ordering her to stay in the tub. She nods in agreement. I turn on the shower and get her a towel.

"Have a shower and then get change, I'll be back" I say before closing the bathroom door and heading out of her room to go to mine.

Amara Andrea

Stay what am I a fucking puppy. He leaves closing the bathroom door to give me privacy.

"You stay" I mumble as I start to undress.

I hop in the shower and cleanse myself while swearing in Italian. I get out and wrap my towel around me before walking back out into my room and too my closet.

My head is still fucking spinning but at least now I am self aware. I take out my dress with a slit at the thigh and slide it on over my black panties, pairing it with strapped heels.

 I take out my dress with a slit at the thigh and slide it on over my black panties, pairing it with strapped heels

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