Lovers To Strangers

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Chapter 23:

Amara Andrea-Wylder

I didn't say a word when Easton picked me up and took me home. I heard everything. I heard Theodore wanting to kill me and Easton defend me. Easton was right, I shouldn't be around Theodore until his memories come back, I mean if they even do. I don't what will happen if they don't. I didn't want to be around a man I loved who didn't know who I was. I didn't want to have a child running around a man who want's to kill their mother. Easton layed me on the bed where I cried more. Gia came into the room and layed beside me caressing my face. She gave me reassuring smiles every time I looked up. I heard the door open to my room again and sat up wiping my face. Easton had brought us dinner.

"you need to eat" He says placing the plate in front of me. I ate in silence before getting up to run to the bathroom where I threw it all up. I cleaned up before going back out.

"I know your sad and hurting Amara but you need to not let the stress get to you, it could harm the baby" I know she was right. I was supposed to be being careful. I'm only 13 weeks along so I was in a fragile stage in the pregnancy and I was super emotional. I'm still trying to get used to my hormones changing and my fucking sore breasts. I was already starting to show as well. I had a little bump on my stomach. My doctor said I was growing to fast and than normally . I had to hide it by wearing long big jackets when I go to meetings and when I'm around the men. I didn't want anyone else to know yet but I knew I wasn't gonna be able to hide it soon for any longer.

"I guess your right" I reply to her.

"you will also need an ultrasound miss girl" I also knew that. I had been waiting for Theodore but it seems like that's not gonna happen anytime soon. I nod my head to her before looking at Easton.

"Thank you for doing that for me" He looks at me shocked before looking embarrassed running his hand through his hair and nodding.

"but I want to talk to him, I need to tell him my side" I say as Easton's facials turn into anger.

"No way" He says.

"Thank you for protecting me East but he is still my husband and I still love him. I just want to talk" I  say.

"you may be married but he can't remember it. Putting you in the room with him in dangerous. He's not the same man you fell in love with, he's a fucking monster" Easton says throwing me off guard. I pushed it away and asks again.

"I just need ten minuets with him and then I'll leave him alone" I beg.

It takes a while for him to speak. I can tell he is feeling conflicted

"fine, but I'm staying with you the whole time" He replies, I give in as I know I will not be able to go alone.


The next day we went back to Damian's. I agreed to do the ultrasound first and then go visit Theodore. It was on the same floor so It shouldn't be long.

"How are you feeling Amara" She asks putting gel on my belly.

"well I'm always hungry, always peeing and my boobs hurt" I complain to her.

"Its very normal to experience those symptoms during pregnancy, it will all be worth it in the end" She replies make me feel more at ease. She puts the probe on my stomach and moves it around to search for the baby. It takes a second before we can heart the babies heart beat. It was like music to my ears, I couldn't help but let out some tears. Gia and East were both sitting beside the bed holding my hands. Then a second later we heard a second heart beat. I looked at Linda who looked back at me before we both looked at the screen.

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