Home sweet home

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Chapter 2:

Amara Andrea

Let me just tell you that living with a bunch of guys suck, it really sucks ass. I'm not just talking about my brothers and my father, I mean everyone.

Courtesy of my father, most of his little mobsters live here. Some are based in New York at our second home, but most of his crew live with us here in Italy.

Privacy. What's that?

But it's whatever, I have my own personal gym as well as my own pool. As if father was gonna let me wear a bathing suit around these men. Though some of them are actually tolerable.

"Why are you running Amara?" A voice ahead of me asks. I take myself out of my world and look to see it's Luca. He's what I meant when I said 'tolerable'.

Luca is my first cousin and my best friend. When I become the boss he'll be my right hand man, my most trusted consultant.

"Shut up and just join", without a second thought, he waits for me to catch up and starts to run along side me. Here we are running through the corridors of our home before reaching my fathers office door.

"Oh fuck no, I'm not going in there", he whispers so only I can hear.

Raising an eyebrow, "What have you done?"

"Um well, I-I may or may not of taken the jeep out last night on a joy ride and then accidentally crashed it before making it out of the gate." He whispers so fast I almost missed what he just said.

"YOU CRASHED THE JEEP?" I shout at Luca with a cheeky smirk.

Not within a second my fathers office doors swung wide open to reveal my father sitting behind his desk, his guards standing either side of the door inside.

"You bitch, why'd you throw me under the bus?" he whispers to me in a angry tone.

"To distract him from whatever I did wrong". Shrugging my shoulder innocently.

"Get in here. " My father says as he stares us down.

"Yes capo. ", "Yes dad".

We stand up and make our way to over to the chairs in front of my father.

"What can I do for you daddio? My favorite person in this gigantic mansion. Yes out of everyone here you are my favorite. My love, My world." I rushed out with a hint of fear in my voice.

"Ouch" Luca says and he lays his hand on his heart with a sore reaction.

"Calm down Amore, You're not in trouble." I relaxed across the chair relieved.

"Oh so then I guess we can go". Luca says to my dad while looking at me as we both stand up to leave.

"SIT DOWN", He stands up from his chair and yells towards the two of us.

"He-he, we were kidding" I say slowly sitting back down.

"And I never said you weren't in trouble Luca." he says death staring Luca.

Luca turns to me. "At my funeral make sure they play Say Goodbye by Chris brown, Because its never the right time to say goodbye. And everyone has to pass around a joint and hits it once. You know puff, puff, pass." he pleads to me in a serious voice.

As disturbed as I was, I promised him. "Don't worry my guy, I'll make sure no one fucks up the rotation."

"OK capo i'm ready, Lord take me by the wings." Luca hangs his arms out looking towards the ceiling. I giggled at him then faked gasp when he suddenly stood up.

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