Longed For Revenge

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Chapter 22:

Amara Andrea-Wylder

"Get Amara out of here now" Huh.

"what the fuck is going on Luca" I shout into the piece.

"Amara go" I hear as I see Tonio running up to me. He tries to pick me up but I dodge and run past him. I speed down the floors looking for Theodore. I stop at the last floor seeing Luca and another Santiago holding up a man that was beaten to a pulp, his body was covered in blood and his face was swollen, he had cuts and bruises, he was unconscious. It took me a moment to realize it was Theodore. I ran towards them and grabbed his face to hold it up. What the fuck did they do to him.

"I have Lucien and James" Angelo's voice comes over the intercom. I look up as Luca giving him a nod before I turn around and go up to where Angelo is. I find them in Lucien's office, I walk in to see both Lucien and Albert tied up to chairs with Angelo, Damian and a couple more men around him.n They clear the way for me to come forth.

"You really thought that you really get away with what you did, look at where we are now" I say standing in front of them.

"you bitch, you have got nothing on me" He spit out.

"I told you this was a bad idea" James says turning his head to Lucien. He turns his head back to me.

"Miss Andrea I promise this was all him" James says as Lucien gives him a death stare.

"Oh Cherie, don't say another word, It's my turn to talk" They both look at me in silence.

"you took away my parents, you killed the Italian Don and or that, you must pay. Now you don't know this but not only did we invade your little church base, we raided every french and Russian bases. I have men all over the world, so the people you killed a couple days ago were a handful of soldiers I have. My mafia is worldwide 'bitch'. Not only did we kill and destroy every base but we even got to your homes" Their anger turns to disbelief at my words. I lean in closer to them.

"That's right, I killed your family's just like you did mine. I ended both of your entire bloodlines" I let out a little chuckle. "The two of you have nothing left, I took everything away from you because that's what I do to people who try to hurt me and my family. You tend to forget I am Amara fucking Lucia bitches. You know it was kind of funny because I got word that most of your men pledged allegiance to me so I guess that's more men making me bigger and powerful" I was truly enjoying this.

"What do you want" Lucien says.

"Well that's the thing Lucien, you have nothing to give me because I took it all away from you. So I guess that makes you useless. Which means your dead to me. You killed my brother Amelio" I say punching him in the face.

"My mother Amelia"


"and my Father Lorenzo"


"Now you will die a slow and painful death at my hands"


I pull out my gun from my waistband and shoot James. I had no interest in him.

"Everyone out" I say as everyone turns and leave except for Angelo. I give him a look but he gives me one right back indicating that he is not leaving this room. I turn back around to Lucien who has fear across his face. I let the anger get the better of me. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I threw punches left and right as blood oozed out all over his face. I took a knives out of my holster stabbing it in my hand before dragging it up his arm before doing it to the other hand. A signature move of mine. I took the knife out and stabbed it in his leg, I grabbed another knife and stabbed the other leg. His screams echoed through the room making Angelo gag but It fueled me to keep going. He begged me to stop but I wasn't done with him yet. I took one of the knives and used it to slice off his tongue. His screaming became annoying after a while but then the bitch started squirming. Angelo stepped in and stopped me.

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